"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." Lao Tzu
Some who follow me on Facebook were notified in mid-February of this year, that my beloved pup, Skylar, of 14 years passed away. How he passed, was shocking and very unexpected.
Since that time, a 'reset' button has been pushed, forcing me to reassess my lifestyle and values. Before that time, I was flying on auto pilot; over extending and exerting myself in various realms of life. Moving forward from this experience of loss, I have made the commitment to really practice being present with all that I do (as often as I can).
Since embracing this practice of being more present with my daily lifestyle, I've noticed stress levels decrease. Thinking clearly, making sound decisions, improved communication, and peace of mind have been and continue to be notable benefits.
Nature takes her time with each moment, and so can we.