
Will someone please tell me what my lines are!

Mortgage and Lending with Axis Financial

 I am working on building my database, Axis Mortgage has decided to focus on construction.  Not your everyday construction loan, you name it we can do construction!  The goal of the company is to be a leading expert on construction lending.

As I cold call these builders I am suddenly aware that I don't know my lines.  My first impulse is to ask the principle of Axis "What is my motivation?"  Director will you please give me a clue on getting into character so that I sound convincing while on the phone.  What are we providing so that I don't sound like just another mortgage broker soliciting for their business?   In-fact I went to his office, he was not available at this time.

Tell me my linesso that I sound confident, knowledgeable, sincere, and capable of providing the customer service you deserve.  Tell me my lines to help people feel comfortable using my services.  Mind you, I really am knowledgeable, I sincerely love helping people and I truly have provided outstanding customer service and given sound advice, but somehow there seems to be a brain disconnect between my intention, my thoughts and the words that come out of my mouth while I am on the phone.  If I think too long, my brain goes blank, no thoughts appear. 

Have I become lazy relying too much on other peoples thoughts and opinions that I have squashed my own?  Has being an assistant for as long as I have been, (10yrs) hindered my ability communicate effectively, now that I have been in sales for 4 months? Or is it just part of the process, the more you talk to people the easier it is to remember your lines?   Has anyone encounter this before, and what did you do to overcome it?