Homes for sale in Spring Hill TN - We are still in a strong sellers market in Spring Hill with the average days on market still only 36 days and the list price to sale price ratio is 99.3%. The absorption rate based on February sales is 3 months, (it would be lower if builders didn't list homes that they can't close because they aren't even started).
- The average price of homes sold was $368,681 an increase of 7.2% over the same month last year
- The list price to sales price ratio was 99.3% for the month
- 115 Spring Hill TN homes are currently listed in the Nashville MLS as available for purchase, but most are still under construction
- 39 homes closed during the month of February
- 152 homes are currently under contract pending sale, most are new homes waiting for completion
- the average price per square foot for Spring Hill homes sold during the month of February was $136 compared to $134 for the same period last year
Investors continue to be very active in Spring Hill and affordable homes are becoming very difficult to find. Homes in Spring Hill are now averaging $136 per square foot compared to $197 in Franklin. With the demand of homes in Williamson county predicted to increase for years to come, most of us think that Spring Hill TN real estate will be a good investment as well as a nice safe place live with top ranked Williamson county schools and low taxes. Some of the more popular Spring Hill TN neighborhoods include
- Autumn Ridge
- Benevento
- Brixworth
- Campbell station
- Cherry Grove
- Hamptons - Campbell Station
- Ridgeport
- Spring Hill Place
- Wades Grove
- Wakefield
Search for Spring Hill TN homes for sale here.
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For the most-up-to-date information on Spring Hill TN homes, then we urge you to contact us. We can assist you with all aspects of buying or selling real property in this and other neighborhoods in the Nashville Metro area. Also ask to be placed on an instant notification system when any new Spring Hill listings come on the market or price reductions in Spring Hill TN homes are posted. information on this page is based on information on Spring Hill real estate per the Nashville Multiple Listing Services, Inc. and is deemed reliable but, not guaranteed.