Today's, May 21st WSJ D8 - "School Districts Get Tough As Home Foreclosures Rise".
Very timely article since that has been brought up in our town since we are close to other town lines where kids can cross over. At our Budget hearing meeting our town council bascially said that there is only so much we can do to police the situation. The attitude/tone with our councel was.... well, it's going to happen and we do our best and that is really all we can do about it. Not good enough!
In today's aritcle it states that California and Florida actually hire Private Investigators. In our town where the avg cost per child is approximately $13,000. The average range of property taxes are $5,000 to $15,000 and I do think it is worth it to make sure that all students are residing in our town. I would bet that every CT taxpayer would agree with me since we all pay very high taxes to the towns and to the state. The state gets their money from the taxpayers and then the state turns around and gives the towns funds if they follow certain guidelines. Basically, we the taxpayer pay for everything.
What spurred this article is the amount of foreclosures going on this country and families are ending up in other homes after the foreclosure and not necessarily in that same town. This number is on the rise and is only going to continue for the next couple of years.