
Active rain help

Real Estate Agent with Carousel Realty

If anyone is new to Active Rain or just wants to improve there bloggin skills. They should contact Brad Andersohn to set up a meeting. I was lucky enough to be able to attend an Active Rain event, instructed by Brad Andersohn Wednesday. Mike Frazier Owner/Broker of Carousel Realty was the host, he arranged for Brad to fly in from California. The class was about 5 hours long with a break for a delicious lunch. Next time I hope we can get a larger class room, but I think the class was larger than expected. I had no idea of the power of a blog, or the usefulness to my clients. Mike Frazier for some time has been trying to get me and his other agents on A.R. I know believe that this a powerful tool for my real estate Carree, and very beneficial for my clients. I look forward to sending leads and networking with the agents in the class. Realtors came from Georgia and Florida, I hope we can have future classes like this one.  

 Chris Conrad Carousel Realty 731-413-8420


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Sasha Miletic - Windsor Real Estate
RE/MAX Preferred Realty Ltd. - Windsor, ON

Hi Chris, Welcome to Active Rain, start writing your own blog soon on AR.  You will get more information from AR. Enjoy... Best of Luck.

Best - Sash

PS: FREE blog traffic strategy video... Hope this will help u... click here 

May 21, 2008 03:20 PM
Deb Brooks
Brooks Prime Properties Wichita Falls Texas - Wichita Falls, TX

Chris, don't stop now! Just write your own words...we'll like them better anyway! Later in the rain~Deb

May 21, 2008 04:34 PM
Rowena Patton
All-Star Powerhouse - Asheville, NC
Asheville NC Real Estate

Hi there

When one clicks on the 'town' under many of our names, it goes to another realtor - presumably you pay for this in some way - anyone know how?

Nov 07, 2010 04:21 AM