Day 12 of 90 My Best Practices Real Estate 2018 and all real estate best practices are implemented by people. People have families and life. My life was altered last week in the beginning of the middle of my second full week. My 93 year old mother in law was the focus of our family. She needed the attention of all of us to help her transition from assisted living to nursing home life. This is an immense change for anyone and one that awaits us all should we be lucky enough to live this long. We all need help from time to time and understanding that and then taking action to help others is what makes us truly human.
My own needs and goals took a back seat to someone else's needs and wants. This is not unlike our profession. The best practice of every agent is to know when to turn off self and awaken to someone else's needs, wants and desires. A single minded focus, we are told, will lead us to the promised land of success and infinite wealth, and perhaps happiness, but this just may not be accurate. As human professionals working with people looking to buy, sell or invest in real estate we can not separate ourselves from this primary need for the shelter of our fellow human.
We have been trained in the many facets of real estate and need to remember the emotional connection to these needs in our clients. It is not enough to know about construction, zoning, Title V, pricing, marketing and so much more, we must also be aware that this is at it's core a human transition from one spot to the next and this change is monumental when it happens. My mother in law has made a change and helping her was more important than this work for those days. Best practices in life are always about realizing your own humanness and helping other with their's. Day 12 of 90 My Best Practices Real Estate 2018