Join, it takes less than two minutes to do, it's FREE, and just like with the other 89,000 plus members here, the information, resources, experiences and relationships are priceless, and will last you a lifetime!
Join, it takes less than two minutes to do, it's FREE, and just like with the other 89,000 plus members here, the information, resources, experiences and relationships are priceless, and will last you a lifetime!
Sharon, try again. I just checked it in both Internet Explorer 7 and Mozilla Firefox and it seems to be working fine. As a last resort, here's a link to ActiveRain Video where I have this hosted. Let me know if either works for you. I'll be waiting to hear from you... thanks. :-)
Cheryl - you are too sweet, thanks. You should send it along with an invitation link from you, that way you get credit on AR if they sign up. See the comment I wrote to Karen and Ray above? It's about 3 comments above this one. Thanks again. :-)
Brad - I got it! I think it was my computer ... imagine that! (and maybe me?) Thanks!
Brad - As always, you provide so much great and useful information. Thanks,
Good job Brad. Now if you can just get them all to join as your invite....
Agents need directions they all think it will be so difficult thanks for the instruction.
Brad...your post's are always informative and make me realize how much I still have to learn to better myself AND my business!
Brad.....well you have done it again. Great information and it is easy like a 6 year old can do it.
Sharon - glad it's all better now. :-)
Christine - thanks, it's really only useful to those who have not joined, but it did give me a chance to see if I could do it in 2 minutes, learn this video application, and see what statistics will tell me about a 2 min video versus a 5 minute video. 90% of those that viewed this watched 100% of the video. The 5 minute video, more than 75% watched only 30% percent of it. That prooves that viewers like short videos. A lot can b learned froma simple 2 minute video post on ActiveRain. :-))
Brian - thanks for commenting even though you weren't logged in. It's worth 25 points to you if you login before commenting on a blog post. Just FYI... :-)
Terry - some people just need a little help and inspiration, those who have considered, but haven't joined, this might help them to see how easy it really is, and it does only take 2-5 minutes to become a member here.
Thom - thanks, but I think you're doing just fine here. We all have to learn, and every day, each of us do.
Pam - thanks. Oh what I wouldn't give to be 6 again! lol~ well....maybe not! :-)
Hi Brad..Great Comparisons, at first glance Vidder seemed one on top, but after watching AR, I'm convinced AR has the best for clarity and loading. Well Done,and thanks.
Cheers, have a great day!
Hi Lenn - we've been having some issues over the holiday weekend. I keep getting the Proxy Server error, but we're working on it....habng in there. How's that video stuff coming? :-)
Fred - this is weird, your comment on this post is one that should have shown up on the Video Comparison post, unless you meant for it to be here, very bizarrre. Thanks, let me know if you intended to have this here or over on the video comparison post. Want to see if maybe there was a bug in the system when you posted it. Thanks Fred :-)
This video is the shortest video I think I have created on AR. 2 minutes is a record for me. I have learned by using the AR Video Console and statistics that more people have viewed the entire 2 minute video than most videos that get posted. Most of the time, people will only watch 1-2 minutes before they click stop or X on the page. Short video is good. Long video is only good if it has or shows something spectacular. A great learning lesson in more ways than one. :-)