
Nail a New Product Selling Strategy

Real Estate Technology with ReminderMedia

Selling a new product requires a lot of trial and error, but when approached with confidence, patience, and a top-notch strategy, it’s something that can be mastered. As ReminderMedia grows, so does our list of products. We’re still learning new ways to sell a fresh idea every day, but these are some of our top tips for hitting a new product selling strategy out of the park.

Know Your Stuff.
There’s nothing more uncomfortable than not knowing answers to questions from a potential client, or feeling unknowledgeable about your own product. Know your target audience, your product, and the industry as a whole. It’s vital to do your research before making that first call so you can go into the conversation as confidently as possible. Be prepared to answer questions (probably lots of them), and have key information readily accessible.

Play the numbers game.
With a new product, it’s all about getting the word out. Broaden your contact list and think outside of the box. Especially when you’re just starting to make those initial calls, try to not be overly picky. If you think a prospective client is too out of reach, and you write them off too quickly, it can make your job more difficult down the road.

Get feedback
It’s important to know what you’re talking about, but appearing too confident can quickly turn people away. Ask for feedback from prospective clients, which will make them feel all the more included in the process. If people say no right off the bat, inquire as to why.  If they give you a specific reason why this product isn’t for them, you can know for the next call what not to do. Try not to get held up with any potential hurdles or difficulties from someone on the phone who appears uninterested. Instead, aim to find new ways to make the sale a success.

Exude confidence.
It’s important to go into selling a new product with confidence and excitement. Our sales team stresses this, believing in the mentality: “pitch the product like it’s already successful.” Even if you are still unsure about the product and its potential, don’t let the person on the other end of the phone feel that way too. Hesitation on your end can turn someone away in the blink of an eye. Believe in your selling power to make this new product a success.

At the end of the day, you won’t know how a new product will sell until you try. Go into the process with an open mind and a plan, and get ready to watch those numbers rise.

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William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

People get turned d off if you do not know the anssers off the top of your head

Apr 11, 2018 08:00 AM
Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

Interesting Blog and yes, requires so much to get it off the drawing board and to the public.  

Apr 11, 2018 08:02 AM