A blonde female gets pulled over by a female blonde cop. The blonde cop asked for the blonde's drivers. The blonde driver said, "What does the driver license look like?" the cop said, " its small and rectangular". The blonde driver pulled out a small rectangular mirror and handed it to the blonde cop. The blonde cop looked at it and said, "Oh my gosh, I didn't realize you were a cop and let her go...
Wow, it might be too early in the morning for that one. I think I'll retreat to my cup of black stuff!
Isit that blonds are really dizzy,or that they are just easy to make fun of? Maybe this is an example of how a blond see herself..... tah dun dah - pshshshshsh! Lol
Hi Doreen,
Great joke. But, what happens when you are blond and bald? Is that a double whammy?
LOL Dorene!Finally someone else on here that does blonde jokes besides me!:)
Thanks for the comments. I heard it at a meeting last night and thought it was pretty funny!
My 11 year old nephew loves the blonde jokes, he always has a new one for me.
Dorene, My wife told me she was considering lightening here hair for the summer and I suggested she might want to give that some serious thought due to the loss of brain cells that go along with going blonde. Steve
Dorene, Now look what you've done! You've given blondes another way out of a traffic citation. Mike
I was blonde but my hairline is receeding, does that mean I am getting smarter?
Wow, I had to read that one twice before I caught it. My blonde roots must be showing. LOL.