Don't steal my listing! This is what one agent in the office said.
I know of one agent in the office who advertises his services in the local newspaper. He does not have any listing of his own so he goes around the office asking other agents to give him their listings so he can advertise it on the paper. Some agents are reluctant to give it because they feel it is their own listing and why should they give it out.
Does anyone also do this and if so how effective is it? Do you get objections from other agents in the office who refuse to allow you to advertise their listings? Do you ask for permission before advertising it?
Do you also go as far as advertising listings from agents in other offices? I have seen that in the newspaper where an agent advertise a home for sale that belongs to another office. I know he must be getting some activities from this advertisment otherwise he would not be doing it.
What do you think about advertising other agent's listings in your own office or even outside of your office?