

Real Estate Agent with Century 21

Don't steal my listing! This is what one agent in the office said.

I know of one agent in the office who advertises his services in the local newspaper. He does not have any listing of his own so he goes around the office asking other agents to give him their listings so he can advertise it on the paper. Some agents are reluctant to give it because they feel it is their own listing and why should they give it out.

Does anyone also do this and if so how effective is it? Do you get objections from other agents in the office who refuse to allow you to advertise their listings? Do you ask for permission before advertising it?

Do you also go as far as advertising listings from agents in other offices? I have seen that in the newspaper where an agent advertise a home for sale that belongs to another office. I know he must be getting some activities from this advertisment otherwise he would not be doing it.

What do you think about advertising other agent's listings in your own office or even outside of your office?

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Lynnette Phillips Real Estate Consultant
Yucaipa, CA

It's encouraged in our office...the feeling is "something is better than nothing" and after all the office itself benefits. It certainly isn't considered stealing. There are agents that have moved over from other offices where the attitude was as you said stealing of didn't make sense to them either - guess that's one of the reasons they left.

May 22, 2008 04:01 AM
Debbie White
Southeast Alaska Real Estate - Juneau, AK
I Sell Alaska!

I've seen this done many times.  When an established agent likes a newer agent, they will give them permission to do this.  I've used this tactic and allowed others to do so as well.  The trick is having permission.

May 22, 2008 04:02 AM
Jim Quinn
Century 21 - Anaheim, CA
North Orange County Real Estate

Lynette, in my opnion, I think it is ok and there is nothing wrong with it if someone in the office is being proactive. I haven't done it but may look into doing it. Some agents, however, feel threatened that you are using them to get buyers or sellers.

May 22, 2008 04:10 AM
Kathy Torline
ERA Herman Group Real Estate - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs Real Estate Blog 719-287-1049

I have advertised other agents listings, but I've always got there permission first.

May 22, 2008 04:13 AM
Jim Quinn
Century 21 - Anaheim, CA
North Orange County Real Estate

Debbie, some agents don't ask for permission. I didn't know you had to ask for permission. I've seen in the past where they post all the listings of the office as theirs in the newspaper. It makes them look like they have alot of listings to the consumers.

May 22, 2008 04:14 AM
Jim Quinn
Century 21 - Anaheim, CA
North Orange County Real Estate

Kathy, there are agents I know that don't do that. They put it in the ads with their name as the point of contact as though it is their own listing. I guess asking for permission before doing so may make more sense.

May 22, 2008 04:15 AM
Amanda Evans
DFW Living - Fort Worth, TX
Real Estate Broker - Fort Worth Texas

This happens all the time.  What is REQUIRED prior to advertising another firm's listings is not permission from the listing agent, but permission from the listing Broker. It is a good idea to get that permission in writing as well.

I borrow listings to advertise and I allow other firms to advertise my listings.  My only requirement either way is that notification of any changes in price, status, etc, be provided so that the advertising is current and correct.  Other than that, I am all for as much exposure to listings as possible.

May 22, 2008 04:22 AM
Jim Quinn
Century 21 - Anaheim, CA
North Orange County Real Estate

Amanda, added exposure is always a good thing. I do agree that as long as it helps to sell the listing then that is fine.


May 22, 2008 06:08 AM
Andrew Baumbach
Homestead Realty Inc. - Milwaukee, WI
Greater Milwaukee Real Estate

i personally don't do print advertising, but if another agent wants to do any of my listings, I say have at it, and thanks.

I don't see anything wrong with it as long as they ask first.

May 23, 2008 07:18 AM
Jim Quinn
Century 21 - Anaheim, CA
North Orange County Real Estate

Andrew, more advertising and extra exposure is a good thing. I don't mind but some agents do think that their listings are their listings alone.

May 24, 2008 03:45 AM
Rhonda Burgess
Southern Living Realty Partners - Smyrna, TN
Moving to Nashville TN Real Estate Specialist

In our company, it's fine as long as you get permission.

May 24, 2008 03:57 AM
Jim Quinn
Century 21 - Anaheim, CA
North Orange County Real Estate

Rhonda, that seemed to coincide with the majority of the comments here.

May 26, 2008 07:54 PM