As the sunny days arrive and the snow melts, temperments change. Buyers are anxious to consider purchases and our marketing activities begin, in earnest.
I realize that many people are waiting for the "recession" to bottom out before they make an offer on properties. I would ask that if you, as Realtors, begin receiving nibbles on any properties, please call me. We can in a short time determine, through a cursory reveiew of the prospect's brief financial information, the likelihood of loan approval. With this information, you and they can proceed touring properties in the price range dictated by their financial position.
Our intent to be completely transparent with or level of analysis and offerings of loan products/services separates us from most other lending institutions, who simply process paperwork. because of this open dialogue, the prospects anzities are ameliorated and they gain confidence in the process. They will thus refer you and us further clients.
Best wishes to all of you as we climb out of this market downturn.