In early March, I thought I would try something new. I took a cold call from and ended up making a stupid move.
I agreed to buy leads from for two ZIP Codes at $250 a month with a one-year commitment. I was promised 20 to 30 leads a month.
Now two months later, during the hottest cycle in real estate, I have received a total of five leads. All except one was roughly for $100,000ish condos. The one good lead was taken by somebody else before I had a chance get it.
Obviously, this isn’t going to work. I tried to call my contact and was put on hold so long that I hung up. I have decided I am going to begin an effort to get out of this contract.
Is there anyone that has had experience with this and can offer suggestions on how to deal with on this matter?
If I have to, I will dispute the credit card payments and cut all ties. Are there any ramifications to that strategy other than the standard legal jeopardy? Would become vengeful and cut me out of their syndication network?
Advice is greatly appreciated.