Simple Math Behind ActiveRain Membership
I can imagine how hard it must have been to earn the points on ActiveRain.
A re-post from Praful Thakkar.
Simple Math Behind
ActiveRain Membership
Simple Math Behind ActiveRain Membership!
Did you read a recent post from Kerrie about new guidelines for ActiveRain membership?
I am sure you have. It was featured (of course, it should be) and was re-blogged by me and several other members.
So, what do you think after reading that post? Doesn't it sound simple to be a member of ActiveRain community? More points you accumulate on ActiveRain , less the subscription - and it is AUTOMATIC! No worries. (If need be, you can call a LIVE help, too!)
Still complicated? Still not sure how long will it take to reach a FREE account? Let me make it simple.
Being Engineer, by default, I am analytical. So, here is my analysis.
You can get up to about 5,000 points every week - if you are a consistent blogger. Simply write 10 posts and re-blog 10 posts every week, login daily for you 10 comments and that's it! Every 5 months or less, you can accumulate 100,000 points. With many bonuses and contests floating around (please join the group ActiveRain Contests), you are likely to achieve this landmark in about 2 years or less.(Ask Barbara Todero - she has set a record for the quickest 500K, to best of my knowledge - and like Energizer Bunny, she is going on..and on..and on...).
And how much would it cost? Much less than what one would pay an SEO company to keep you on page 1 of Google.
But there is a simple RULE you must follow:
YOU MUST BE CONSISTENT IN BLOGGING! (Well, I have not missed a single point since I became serious about blogging on AR - and yes, I have written down my goals for ActiveRain. Call me crazy!)
Well that was for people who are point conscious. Do you realize what other benefits you can get from blogging on ActiveRain? Well, it could be your picture - on right of the ActiveRain page, holding a check. And, even more important, you will be 'recognized' on the web. If you do everything right, you'll be on page #1 of Google, Bing and Yahoo!.
Playing in rain is fun!
For all the details on ActiveRain Subscription, please do read my re-blogor....the original price-break post from Kerrie.
Kerrie, please take it over from here....Thanks.(Image Courtesy: