
May Updates for

Real Estate Agent with THE PODGURSKY GROUP @ Re/Max Direct

I got a little busy this month...writing a little more than I expected so I will post a few more updates in the next couple of weeks but for now this is the update for the Month of May on The Mortgage Go To  ... keep checking the site for changes as it is going through a major overhaul!

Archive for May, 2008

Foreign National Investors need their own Real Estate Agents

Foreign Nationals interested in taking advantage of the weak dollar are finding great values in Florida Real Estate.
In this buyer’s market it is important that all Foreign Investors be prepared for their transaction to make sure that everything goes smoothly.  One cornerstone of the US Real Estate industry is the Buyer’s Agent.
Many Foreign Real […]

Forty Somethings need good Mortgage AdviceBy David A. Podgursky, MBA • May 13th, 2008 • Category: Featured Articles, Residential Mortgages

This Sunday’s USA Weekend had an advice column answer from Advice Columnist Sharon Epperson regarding paying off one’s mortgage early. Here’s the LINK.
The writer stated that she and her husband are in their late forties (49 & 48) and they are considering an option to pay off their mortgage by age 56*. The […]

If the VA and USDA can guarantee loans, why can’t Florida??

The trials and tribulations of affordable housing in the State of Florida are well reported in the local and national news. Thanks to the soaring prices of real estate and land speculation from 2003-2006, affordable housing is a huge task for local governments.
One of the pillars of Affordable Housing Loans have been the […]

Foreign Nationals buying in Florida need to get Pre-Approved

Foreign Nationals are trying to purchase real estate in Florida thanks to the economic downturn and the weak US Dollar.
Prices for a house in the sun are at low prices and mortgage interest rates are still affordable.
Whether you are a British Citizen looking for a vacation home in Orlando, Florida or a Canadian looking to […]

Myopic FHA Homeowner Legislation forgets Key Lending Issue

With the House getting nearer to a vote on the FHA Housing and Homeowner Retention Act, there are few industry professionals who don’t see some glaring holes that need patching prior to the passing of this legislation.
Mortgage Professionals in general expected shoddy craftsmanship from this bill thanks to its loyal backer - Rep. Barney […]

Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce hosts FORUM ON ATTAINABLE LIVING: WORKFORCE HOUSING May 6th.

I received an email from Michael Burstine, the Chair of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s Workforce Housing Committee and felt it was important enough to share. 
I met Michael at a meeting for the Urban Land Institute: South Florida and Carribean & Terwilliger Center Steering Committee.  This is a great group of people […]

Key West City Leaders fund Affordable Housing creatively

In what has become a very creative move, Key West Florida City Leaders are trying to form a plan that would allow them to raise an additional $5Million in Tax Revenue to satisfy Affordable Housing Needs in Monroe County.
Monroe County collects 4% Bed Taxes from tourists on their hotel bills. County have the […]

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David A. Podgursky, MBA

Your Source for Residential and Commercial
Mortgage Loans in Florida