If you could only choose one generation to work with, which one would you choose and WHY?
Baby boomers. They have purchasing power. They are also making decisions for aging parents.
John Wiley
Fort Myers, FL
Great question. Each presents upsides and downsides. Tech savvy which is a trademark of Millenials, is good and bad and not tech-friendly, as is the case with older retirees, is also good and bad. I should probably run for political office with that answer, lol.
John Wiley
Fort Myers, FL
You may want only one, but I can't give that. I like the ones that we get to the closing table!
Margaret Rome Baltimor...
Pikesville, MD
John Wiley
Fort Myers, FL
Khash Saghafi as I was reading your response I thought, is this guy a politician?
There are elements about each generation that is different. Which would fit your comfort level the best?
Khash Saghafi NMLS
Cleveland, OH
I prefer Boomers. The problem with being "too" connected online is that most stuff which is online is simply misleading and innacurate (rates, programs, loans, etc.), so I prefer those who are not as "attached" to the world wide web. Don't get me wrong, the customers who think that the Pony Express is the preferred manner of sending mail, that's a bit too "out of touch" also. Was this less "politician-like"? lol
I will work with all generations. I prefer to work with all individuals regardless of their age. You have to take into account each person knows another person who may benefit from your services.
Margaret Rome Baltimor...
Pikesville, MD
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
I love first time home buyersbut love over 55 also. Now my age group we have alots in common.
Margaret Rome Baltimor...
Pikesville, MD
John Wiley
Fort Myers, FL
Will, I really think it is about knowing who you are and finding the fit that you are most comfortable with.
Thanks for commenting.
I can't say there is a specific generation that i prefer to work with, I have enjoyed clients of many different generations.
Margaret Rome Baltimor...
Pikesville, MD
I like working with people who are fun, keep their agreements and can follow directions. A
John, as long as they are sane, can make decisions, really don't care what age they are.
Good morning John - since I work with developing leaders I would choose the millennials.
Ron and Alexandra Seigel I think you have chosen great criteria to work with.
Thanks for sharing.
Grant Schneider I appreciate your willingness to chose a generation that best fits your business model.
Joan Cox I too love sane people who can make a decision.
Makes things go much smoother.
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Sybil Campbell I think not all people can be effective with all generations.
Some are put off by too much tech and some are put off by too little tech.
It seems you are pretty comfortable and adaptable.
Margaret Rome Baltimor...
Pikesville, MD
My millennial boys have sent me a ton of young folks and I SO enjoy working with them. I also work with clients who are moving up and I love working with them. Seniors - oh, boy! They are awesome to work with too...I just could never choose, John! I love them all and for different reasons!!
Margaret Rome Baltimor...
Pikesville, MD
John Wiley
Fort Myers, FL
Debe, sounds like you have found the JOY of the journey.
Thanks for sharing.
John, have to say my first time buyers have continued to feed my business. Everyone they work around has decided they want to buy.
John Wiley
Fort Myers, FL
Joan Cox it is interesting how a certain group will relate well with the agent and will be a continuing source of business.
Thanks for sharing.
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
John Wiley
I work with people who I like and respect and who need to sell. The variety of clients make it very interesting. I may be working with a senior to sell and buy and their son or daughter may also need to buy or sell and their grandchildren may need to buy!
Referrals bring in a mixture of clients and good clients usually refer good clients.