
How to Prepare For a Showing

Real Estate Agent with REFINED REALTY TEAM REB.0790778

You have a showing what???

For planning purposes, an average showing in our area lasts somewhere around 15-20 minutes, though you should leave at least a good 10-15 minutes before they’re scheduled to arrive. If you try to come back home and they’re still there, keep on driving!

For the actual preparation itself, start by opening all the curtains/blinds and turn on all the lights. Yes, that even includes the light above your stove if you have one. It gives off such a different vibe walking into a light and bright house as opposed to a “lights off” house for prospective buyers. Even during the daylight hours, it still makes a difference having all the lights on. 

We all know that deep cleaning the house is important and keeping it as tidy as possible for showings. If you have kids, however, it can be daunting to scramble around trying to pick up the house with toys, laundry and whatever else may be laying around in preparation for a showing. Try placing a bin or large decorative basket in the “trouble” rooms and throw all the extra “stuff” into the basket or bin to make it look tidier on a time crunch.

Pets, especially dogs, would ideally leave the house as a first option or crating them as a second option. The reason is because, even if your dog is friendly, some buyers have a true fear and it would just be something that could turn them off or distract them from what’s important….the details of your house!

Cats tend to be different and, unless yours is unusually aggressive, many tend to hide when new people arrive anyway. If yours is the type to dash for the door as soon as it opens, maybe crating or just removing the cat for the showings all together may be the safest bet.

If pets are going to be present, be sure to tell your Realtor the plans for them so that they can relay to the showing agents.

Then, of course, keep up your curb appeal! You don’t want the first impression of the showing to be your overgrown lawn in the summer or an un-shoveled walkway in the winter. Keep the lawn equipment and kids’ toys put away when not in use. This is actually a good habit to do anyway because many buyers do drive-bys before they ever decide to schedule an appointment to see the inside of the home. You don’t know how many showing opportunities you’re missing out on with an untidy curb appeal first impression.

After the showing is complete, sit back and either wait for an offer or wait for feedback that may give some advice on how to make your home show even better for the next buyer!

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John Pusa
Glendale, CA

Ashley Staub thanks for the valuable report preparing a home for a showing.

May 20, 2018 10:24 AM
Jeff Masich-Scottsdale AZ Associate Broker,MBA,GRI
HomeSmart Real Estate - Scottsdale, AZ
Arizona Homes and Land Group/ Buy or Sell

Great tips Ashley Staub. For me....always turn on all the lights. As a Realtor, I cannot pick up the toys, do the dishes and make the beds...but I can turn the lights on 

May 20, 2018 11:56 AM