
Memorial Day Let Us Never Forget Those Who Served So That We May Live

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Memorial Day


Memorial Day 2018

Remember, as you go about your day, that today is Memorial Day.

Take a moment to thank a veteran today. Many have sacrificed and many have given their lives.

But one thing is a constant from all of them:

Their dedication to our great country has enabled us to enjoy many of the freedoms we often take for granted.


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Craig Rutman is a North Carolina Residential Real Estate Specialist that can assist you with the purchase and/or sale of real estate in the Raleigh - Cary – Apex metro areas; or any place else in the country by connecting you with a relocation professional in your destination of choice.


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Sham Reddy CRS
Howard Hanna RE Services, Dayton, OH - Dayton, OH

Memorial Day is a day of remembrance. Over 1 million men & women have died while serving in the U.S.Military since 1775. This annual holiday is a time to hold them in our thoughts & consider their service -- without the filter of politics.
Memorial Day isn't about romanticizing war or worshiping military veterans. It is a day to recognize personal sacrifices of veterans and active military alike, regardless of their inclinations to war.

May 28, 2018 08:28 AM
Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

Hello Craig and thanks for this blog on this special day, some will srite about new listings but today is a more important day to remember the fallen.


May 28, 2018 09:42 AM
John Pusa
Glendale, CA

Craig Rutman very true, we should remember, honor, and thank all the Hero's served us and gave us the freedom we enjoy.

May 28, 2018 10:18 AM
William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

My family has lost 17 to war...12 in WWI aloNE. We do NOT forget

May 28, 2018 12:13 PM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Hi Craig- well said!  We need to remember and we need to honor those who sacrificed their lives. 

May 28, 2018 01:31 PM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

May we never forget nor take for granted the freedoms we enjoy today. It took brave men & women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for that to happen. 

May 28, 2018 02:42 PM
Inna Ivchenko
Barcode Properties - Encino, CA
Realtor® • GRI • HAFA • PSC • Short Sale • Probate

Enjoy this wonderful weekend of reflection and gratitude with your friends, family and loved ones.

Happy and Peaceful Memorial Day!

May 27, 2022 10:21 AM