Yes, But…..
How many times have you heard “yes, but” followed by some lame excuse? Probably a lot as it is quite common for someone to say “yes, but” followed by some lame excuse. Here are a few examples: Were you late for work? Yes, but I had no idea there was going to be an accident. Weren’t you supposed to get a raise? Yes, but my boss is a jerk and feels I need to show more effort. Were you going to fix that fence anytime soon? Yes, but I am going to get to it later. Are you in debt again? Yes, but it doesn’t seem like there’s anything I can do about it.
Over and over again you’ll hear folks use “yes, but” as an excuse to wiggle out taking responsibility for their circumstance. And those that use “yes, but” as an excuse only inhibit their success. You’ve probably heard this but it is worth repeating “making excuses accepts failure as the end result.”
The mere thought of even considering failure as the possible outcome can greatly diminish your drive “and” your chances for reaching success. You want the best results you have to eliminate failure as an option. To reach your desired objective you should put away making excuses ‘as well as’ forget about complaining. Keep in mind that your attitude can and should make all the difference in the world.
So how can you make “yes, but” work for you?: Were you late for work? Yes, but I will make sure I plan better so even a bad accident won’t prevent me from being late in the future. Weren’t you supposed to get a raise? Yes, but I am hopeful all my good efforts will pay off real soon! Were you going to fix that fence anytime soon? Yes, but I’m am on it right now. Are you in debt again? Yes, but I made a plan to help prevent it from happening again.
The essence of making “yes, but” work for you is twofold. Whatever challenge you face make a commitment to yourself to not give up. Whatever challenge you face do not make an excuse after “yes, but.” Regardless of your position continue to push forward in a positive light “and” most importantly don’t forget that giving up all but guarantees failure.
The mind is very powerful and so are the words we say. Therefore, it is suggested to direct our mind and our thoughts to figure out the next step. Keep in mind that adversity, problems, challenges are a way of life and when you find yourself amidst a crisis a good “yes, but” response looks something like this, “Yes, I am working on it but I am going to find a way to get it done. Reassuring yourself you can do it directs your mind to go ahead and figure out a way to accomplish whatever the desired result.
Bill Withers - Ain't No Sunshine (Cover by Sarah Reid & Alex Serra) Cape Town, South Africa