I will always have a soft place in my heart for ActiveRain. I made so many lasting friendships here, starting about 11 years ago when I first found this platform. At one time, I was a very prolific blogger, when the real estate market was in a very rough place indeed and I had more time on my hands. I wrote over 1200 posts here in about a two-year period, then I simply burned out.
I think real estate can provide a virtually endless well of potential blogging material. After over 21 years of full-time sellling, and 14 years of managing other agents, I am still learning. I don't expect that this will ever change as long as I am in the business.
I am going to start with a modest goal of one post per week. I will create a reminder for myself to get this done. I used to write 10 posts pretty much every week, and I know I do not have the time for this anymore. If I manage to get one per week published, I will consider my "comeback" successful. If I exceed that, wonderful.
I know I have a lot of followers here, but I have no idea how many people will actually see this, since I have been away so long and my contributions have been so inconsistent here on AR. Most of my closest friends from here already see my writing and photos on Facebook. I initially learned about Facebook and Twitter from.....ActiveRain.
If you do happen to see this post, take a minute to give me a word of encouragement, or at least say "hey". :)
I hope to see you more often in upcoming weeks and months.
Thanks for reading!