"DIRECT HUMAN INTERACTION"...The Importance of HUMAN Connection in real estate.
Real estate today is a complex profession! In today's marketing of real estate there is a huge void in the actual connection between the buyer or seller with the agent. Names appear on ads, but not before the Companies Logo--And on the Internet it appears, usually after the sites name and then the Company Logo!!
Could it be because of the persistence of the big websites to capitalize on an agent's need to get leads?
Could it be because of greed and their craving for a piece of the perceived BIG BUCKS in the real estate pie?
Could it be by choice on the part of a society gone mad with it's technology?
I believe it is of ALL of the above!
Because there are vast numbers of people in between the buyer and the seller who are ALL trying to glean revenue from the product, the listing itself, there is a forced major shift in the real estate business.
The greater the number of people involved in a transaction between the buyer, seller and agent the greater the distance between all of these individuals!
Out of this complexity, trust is replaced by suspicion and a general miss-trust of the agent is enhanced!
I know, I know there are always agents faces on the listings and Internet ads for real estate--but more and more they mean less and less to the buyer and seller of real estate. Pretentious ads, giving false impressions and fake listing agents on most listings on the Internet have made the public vary wary. Awareness is now peaked but there are no answers to the dilemma.
I read this morning in a column written by someone who does not give their name..(How ironic is that?) This entity is called MEDIUM, at least in his/her column and I found his/her statements to be profound:
"One cannot and must not neglect the importance of human interaction. Sadly this generation has lost all of its confidence to speak with others on (a) direct basis. Electronic media and social media especially has made it easier for people to get in touch with others."
"Our generation is able to talk to a person far away from them but do not have the ability to talk to anyone face to face. Social media like Facebook and twitter has made it easier for us to constantly follow the person we want to follow and to discuss their private lives without any regard to the feelings of the person involved. Yet we severely lack the ability to talk to each other on a personal basis. We can ‘’Like’’ thousands of posts and comments of a person but don’t have time and courage to actually talk to a person and hear his thoughts and share information."
Removing the human connection makes it more and more difficult to give the relationship of human to human a place of trust, especially in this business which deals with and handles a persons largest life-time investment.
I don't know about you, but I have to do something to change the perception that dominates the market place:
- "Real estate agents are just another hindrance to getting the house I really want"
- "If I don't look on Zillow first, I am sure to miss out on the newest and best priced houses"
- "My home is worth so much more than what that agent told me--I need to get a better idea of prices on Zillow"
- "I don't need an agent to do a real estate deal--information that I need is out there just waiting for me to look it up"
All of the above statements have been made to me and to my fellow agents--I have seen website owners make similar claims. All of this without really knowing the truth--it is dangerous and naive to think that someone who has never worked in real estate can do a deal successfully--without the potential of personal loss and great harm financially.
Please comment below and give a good guess as to what you think will work: