National Dog Day August 26, 2018
Dogs are man's best friend. I've heard this statement my whole life. I really believe it's true. There's nothing better that the sweet love of a dog.
The word DOG is even GOD spelled backward. What if dogs were only here just to look out for us and keep us protected, like angels. They live to make us happy and are always looking for ways to entertain us.
My dog Zoeboo, has even been inspiration for a design patent on a small dog harness. I would have never invented it... if not for her. Her company is Zoeboo Couture. Instagram @zoeboocouture. Facebook
This picture taken today on National Dog Day is with her Uncle Travis, whom she adores. He participates in Civil War reenacting. He calls her his little buddy.
I can't imagine my day or life without a dog. I've been blessed over the years to have some wonderful dog companions. They sure make life bearable sometimes.
Lizette Fitzpatrick
Principal Broker
Lizette Realty
National Dog Day August 26, 2018