Remember the nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty Sat On The Wall...Humpty Dumpty Had A Big FALL!
It's a shame Humpty Dumpty couldn't find a way over the wall so he could stand tall!
The Stager Idol Contest... is about to end. Everyone that entered hoped to be recognized for their passion they are all winners and I am honored to be one of the final three.
I have to admit, for me it has been a bumpy yet fulfilling journey finding ways over the wall. Having made it this far, I already feel like a winner. I have had the love and support from my family, friends, local Realtor community, local media and fellow stagers.
Entering the contest was truly stepping out of my comfort zone. I sometimes felt like I was about to get to the wall and have a BIG FALL ! I'm passionate about my career, am on a mission to help Realtors and sellers understand the value of staging, I love the creativity in what I do, feel I have a good business base because of my exceptional training, always have the best interest of the seller in my sights and truly am there for others in the industry who ask for my input. Ahh but I have occasionally stumbled, made my share of mistakes.
Thankfully, I was and continue to be reminded by friends and confidents It truly is OK that I have made errors along the way... everyone who steps out of the comfort zone are open to scrutiny. No matter what the intention others will be sure to make you and others aware have made mistakes... I continue to be encouraged when I feel I'm about to FALL OFF THE WALL to hold my head high. I continue to learn by just doing, being persistent and finding new ways of building with others so we are all able to climb over the wall so no one will fall.
As the final interviews are winding down...I sure am glad Humpty Dumpty is a nursery rhyme...
•· I am a winner because I have persisted even during turmoil.
•· I am a winner because even before the final results are announced, I have benefited by entering The Stager Idol Contest, because I and the finalists have received recognition in our field on a National level.
•· I am a winner because I have formed friendships with several of the contestants.
•· I am a winner because I was reminded by entering this contest there are still opportunities to grow in life as well as the field of staging by leaving ones comfort zone.
•· I am a winner because this contest has further enlightened me to the fact that "Life as a Professional Real Estate Stager is a journey not a race".
A sincere thank you to Shell Brodnax and RESA for what you have begun. While your communications were always upbeat, I'm sure the launch and coordination of a new concept to enlighten the public on the craft of staging as well as its true benefits had its share of challenges. Hopefully all professional stagers will continue to help you by building on what you have begun!