After our exhilerating ziplining adventure on Labor Day, we decided to visit Akaka Falls. I suppose it's possible that trip could have been the plan all along but I only first heard of it after the 8 ziplines. Vika said she and Josh missed the falls during their last trip here because it was closed. I rarely turn down an opportunity to visit a state park, even those I've seen before because you always see something new.
Akaka Falls is one of those must-see tourist attractions on Big Island. It features an optional loop trip to see two big waterfalls and a few smaller waterfalls, while you're climbing and ascending stairs, strolling along a path. You hear all sorts of exotic bird mating calls. Your eyes can't possibly asborb all that you see.
However, you can read more and see a lot more photographs at this link in my personal blog today: Photos of Flowers and Ferns at Akaka Falls in Honomu.