
Add this to your Hurricane prep list

Real Estate Agent with Innovative Realty Solutions Group BK3248318

    Those of us in hurricane prone areas , know the drill all to well,

Be Prepared, Have 2 weeks worth of supplies and meds

Batten down the hatches

Put your important documents in your dishwasher ( Wrapped in plastic , just in case)

If told to evacuate - DO IT


Well please add this to your prep.

Take a pic of your furkids BEFORE you put them in a carrier or car.

They can get frightened and bolt from your vehicle or hotel room.

We also have embroidered collars with my husbands cell # on it. ( even for the cats)

If you are in the path of Florence.... BE SAFE.
Check in after the storm has passed , let us know if we can help.

Posted by

Lesley Wilson VanGoethem
Associate Broker ®

Professional Property Stager Real Estate Agent Consultant


Innovative Realty Solutions Group ,Inc
407.620.2434 ( Direct)

Buying or Selling in the Orlando Fl area?  Im here to help.
Call, text, email .. lets chat!

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faye schubert
Retired - Branson, MO
Living the Branson Lake Life

I was 9 years old when we rode out Hurricane Betsy in New Orleans area. The moaning sounds of wind, debris flying into the windows,etc NEVER left my memory! We never stayed through a major hurricane again. Yes, we went through Katrina and got out of there. For your mental piece of mind, please think if you want to relive those experiences forever. It's so much easier to go stay out of harms way and deal with whatever happens when you return.


Sep 11, 2018 04:49 AM
Lesley Wilson-VanGoethem

Faye, I have rode out many, but you never ever forget. I lived in a Naples home with a fireplace when Andrew hit Florida.. The sound coming through the chimney was one of the scariest things I had heard. When We lived outside of Palm Beach on 10 acres , the pine trees snapping and breaking, and other trees uprooting as the soils were beyond saturated seems to be never ending, especially in the slow moving storms.
While not knowing is hard, I agree , it often times is the best choice!


Sep 11, 2018 04:58 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Good mornng Lesley. I was talking to a friend in South Carolina yesterday about the path of the storm that was due for landfall about 180 miles north of his location. As we were speaking the Governor ordered an evacuation of his County. This could be a big one. In the cone, evacuate. Enjoy your day!

Sep 11, 2018 05:00 AM
Lesley Wilson-VanGoethem

When one looks at the size of this one, thanks to pics from the space station, you realize it is LARGER than the entire state of SC.
My cousin lives in Myrtle Beach, and sadly Im sure she wont heed the warnings..

Sep 11, 2018 05:08 AM
Anthony Acosta -
Harry Norman, REALTORS® - Atlanta, GA
Associate Broker

Good morning 

Thank you for sharing your information with us 

Have a great day.


Sep 11, 2018 05:51 AM
Andy Brown-Climer School of Real Estate
The Climer School of Real Estate - Orlando, FL
The Best Real Estate School in Florida

Great advice Lesley. People have short memories. We checked on and stocked up on our hurricane stuff last weekend, before it was necessary and the crowds were out and the shelves were empty.

Sep 11, 2018 06:51 AM
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Napa Consultants - Carpinteria, CA
Luxury Real Estate Branding, Marketing & Strategy


Great advice, hope you and your loved one stay safe, and this storm decides to slow down.  A

Sep 11, 2018 02:32 PM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Lesley- what a wonderful idea to snap a photo of our furry friends. Keeping our fingers crossed for the Carolinas. 

Sep 11, 2018 05:46 PM
Bob Force (REALTOR®)
Weichert Realtors - Aspen Hill - Mount Airy, MD
The FORCE in Maryland Real Estate

Lesley - Never thought of the dishwasher as a place to store important docs, but a good idea.

I am in Maryland and we are getting rain from the storm now.

Sep 17, 2018 08:18 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Great list, Lesley! As you know, we just went through this as well and am SO glad that we're only impacted about once every couple of decades as far inland as Charlotte is! 

Hope you have a great week ahead...

Sep 23, 2018 08:34 PM