If you run a little bit cold like me, then you need this great looking storage solution to keep your favorite blankets ready for easy access! Plus, who doesn’t love functional decor? This blanket ladder DIY project requires some power tools, but most DIYers of any skill level should be able to tackle this project in a weekend.
If you would rather just buy one, there are plenty available. However, they usually somewhere around or above $100. The materials in this tutorial add up to about $15, so if you can handle the DIY you will save yourself a nice little chunk of change! The full step-by-step tutorial can be found on Joyfully Growing Blog. Ready? Me too! Let’s get started.
Supplies and tools
- (2) 8FT 2” x 3” boards
- (2) 48” x 1.25” Wood Dowel
- (8) ⅜” x 3.5” Lag Bolts & Washers
- (1) ⅜” Drill Bit
- (1) 1.25” Forstner Bit
- Wood Stain & Wood Sealer
- Wood Glue
- Wood Saw
Step 1
Cut the 2” x 3” boards down to 7FT. Use a 80 degree angle cut so that the feet will sit flat on the floor with the ladder leaned up against the wall. Typically ladders use a 75 degree angle for climbing safety, but this one is more for looks, and it takes up a less floor space with the feet sitting a little closer to the wall.
Step 2
Measure and mark the hole locations for the ladder rungs or steps. Starting at the feet and going up, space out all the rungs 1.5FT apart. This leaves the top rung 1FT from the top of the ladder. Use the Forstner bit to drill out holes for the rungs. Drill about half way through the board. Drill the rest of the way through with the ⅜” drill bit.
Step 3
Cut the 1.25” Wood Dowels down to make (4) 18” long rungs.
Step 4
Assemble the ladder! Use a little bit of wood glue where the ladder rungs attach to the sides of the ladder. Fasen the rungs firmly in place using the lag bolts. Make sure to use the ⅜” drill bit to pre-drill the rungs to prevent cracking the wood.
That’s it for the construction phase of this project. Now it’s on to making it look pretty! Choose your favorite wood stain to get the color you prefer, then make sure to seal it so that it will last a long time and look great. Another option is to stain and seal the wood prior to assembly. Some people may find that easier, but either way gets you to the same final product. Now you can get on to styling your ladder in a room with your favorite blankets! Thanks for following along.