Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin Market Update September 2018 |
Active Listings:Total Listings: 1 | Average List Price: $349,000 | Average SQFT: 2,196 | Average Price Per SQFT: $175 | Average Taxes: $8,495 | Average DOM: 19 |
In-Contract Listings:Total Listings: 1 | Average List Price: $369,900 | Average SQFT: 2,496 | Average Price Per SQFT: $185 | Average Taxes: $8,990 | Average DOM: 17 |
Sold Listings:Total Listings: 0 | Average List Price: $0 | Average SQFT: 0 | Average Price Per SQFT: $0 | Average Taxes: $0 | Average DOM: 0 |
There are currently 1 homes for sale in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin Ohio. The Average list price for the Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin homes is $349,000 and the Average SQFT for the homes in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin is 2,196 SQFT which comes to an Average of $175 per SQFT for Active homes for sale in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin. The Average DOM for homes for sale in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin is 19 and the Average property taxes for Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin homes that are currently Active for sale are $8,495 per year.
As for homes currently in-contraact, there are currently 1 in-contract in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin Ohio. The Average list price for the Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin homes in-contract is $369,900 and the Average SQFT for the homes in-contract in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin is 2,496 SQFT which comes to an Average of $185 per SQFT for homes in-contract in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin. The Average DOM for homes in-contract in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin is 17 and the Average property taxes for Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin homes that are currently in-contract are $8,990 per year.
Also there are currently 0 homes that have sold in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin Ohio in the last 6 months. The Average list price for the Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin homes that sold is $0 and the Average SQFT for the homes that sold in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin is 0 SQFT which comes to an Average of $0 per SQFT for homes that sold in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin. The Average DOM for homes that sold in Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin is 0 and the Average property taxes for Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin homes that sold are $0 per year.
As you can see, it's a great time to sell your Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin home. Click Here to find out what your Estates at Scioto Crossing Dublin is worth!
You can also search all homes for sale in Dublin Ohio on our Dublin real estate website or any Columbus homes for sale on our Central Ohio Real Estate website which includes School Rankings!
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Information On This Paged Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed. Stats Pulled 2018-09-12 05:53:37