Dare to Dream Over the Rainbow by Robert Swetz
All of us dream from when were born till the day we die, so what do we do with these dreams? Do we store them in our brains and hope they may come true some day? Or do we just forget about them because they are only a dream and not real at that moment in time?
Well I am living proof that dreams do come true and here are just a few ...
I dreamed when I was very young of traveling and living by the west coast in Oregon & California ... came true!
I dreamed of traveling to Asia when I was very young many times. and I have traveled to Myanmar/Burma, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan 4 different times in my life.
I have always dreamed of owning lake front property because I grew up spending most of my life on lakes in the Midwest. And purchased 2-3 different properties with lake front & river frontage.
I have always dreamed of traveling and living in Alaska, and first went to Alaska in 2001 and since then spend 2-3 months per year for the last 4 years. And have also purchased several properties in Alaska for future retirement.
Here is a wonderful video of rainbows from around the world and 2 wonderful photos of Rainbows I took 2 weeks ago in Alaska.
Dare to Dream Over the Rainbow because Dreams Do Come True ;o)