
I'm in the Christian Resource Guide!

Real Estate Agent with The K Company Realty FA40046273

On page 48 of the new Christian Resource guide, you will see my little round face and my advertisement for my real estate business.  Do you want to know why this is so exciting and kind of a miracle?  Its because I signed up for it last year, but not this new year.  I LOVE using and advertising with local businesses of faithg.  However, when this year came around, I decided since I was updating my website that I would forgo the additional cost of a pritned advertisement.  So I declined.

Just now, my hubby came into my office to exclaim that I was on Page 48 of the magazine!  Its exciting when God shows up to help you, even when you didn't ask him to.  Last year I helped two fellow Christians sell their homes through this magazine, and we were a blessing to one another.

My story today is with a lady who was moving to Arizona who wanted to sell her house.  I helped her decide what furniture stayed and which would go to storage, gave her a referral for repairs and counseled with her on the exact price to list.  Through the transaction, I was at her home many times for signatures once we got under contract because her computer had quit.  All was going well until I got a call from the title company who found she had one of the first USDA type of loans that had allowed a reduced monthly payment on the home.  This loan type didn't appear on the O&E report I'd pulled prior to listing, nor had the title company ever come across this type loan before..

Although having a reduced monthly mortgage payment sounds awesome, it came with disastrous penalties.  This loan had a stipulation that the lender would be reimbursed by taking a very large percentage of equity at time of sale.  It was shocking that her Seller proceeds went from an estimated $90,000 to around $30,000.  We were all stunned.

My next approach was to get them to allow for all of her upgrades to be given as credit to hers.  Even half of those were not allowed.  Although this situation was not of my making, I was determined to increase this paltry $30,000 proceeds so that my seller could move on with her life comfortably.

So began prayers to my Lord.  I submitted myself to him and the direction of the Holy Spirit.  Along with his power, I began to write a concise, logical and fact-filled paper of all upgrades and reasons she should get at least $30,000 more in seller proceeds.  It took me two days and my 20 years as a administrator in finance came in handy.  

God answered all of our prayers.  The final settlement gave her the $30,000 extra plus a bit more.  God helps me in my business. In sutble and not so subtle ways.  I thank him today for allowing me to be a party of the Christina Business Directory and also for giving me people who need and want detailed workmanship in their transactions.  What an honor to help all types of people.  Regardless of race, religion, orientation, my goal is to help those that God brings me in a proactive manner, with their real estate goals.  God put me on this earth to complete complex real estate transactions for all peoples.  My special pleasure is to help folks sell their homes, relocate and also build new homes.  Call if you want to chat.  970-691-0368


Cathy Harris

I have a new office at the corner of Hwy 34 & I-25 at 5245 Ronald Reagan Blvd, Suite 2 in Johnstown Plaza

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