When you write to a specific prospect, or even send a mass mailing, you will hopefully invite them to visit your website. You might also invite them to visit you here on Active Rain or to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.
By inviting them to read your blog posts, you’re hoping to get better acquainted, make a good impression, and let those folks grow to like and trust you through the things you post.
Asking clients to connect in social media is a fine idea. So make it easy for them!
Give them the link!
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read “Connect with me on Facebook” (or any other site), when the writer expected me to somehow find them there.
When it’s a client or a prospective client, I make the effort. Sometimes I’m successful and sometimes not. I’ve looked up names that I thought were unique, only to find that there are a dozen or two people on Facebook or LinkedIn with that same name. Even if I try to sort by occupation I’m likely to come up with more than one.
All I accomplished by trying to find them was to waste time that could have been used more productively. This is why my agent bio questionnaire asks for specific links to social media sites.
When it’s someone who wants me to become their client… there’s not a chance that I’ll make that effort. I’ve got way too many other things to do with my time.
So – my point: When you ask your prospects, past clients, and those in your sphere of influence to visit you on Active Rain or any other site, give them the link! If you’re sending printed material, write out the exact URL where you hope they’ll visit you.
It only takes a few seconds to add those links to your messages, and it will likely mean the difference between having your invitation to visit accepted – or ignored.
Image courtesy of renjith krishnan / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
This post first appeared on 4-7-14 at www.copybymarte.com