
Lasagna makes a fine roofing material!

Real Estate Agent with ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE, serving Lincoln County 200509394

I am proud to present my work in progress: A non-edible "Gingerbread" house to be donated and judged in the upcoming Festival of Trees auction to be held at the Chinook Winds casino on Dec. 1st, in Lincoln City, Oregon.

Here is your sneak peek at the Advantage Real Estate gingerbread house entry. We are in it to win it!

gingerbread house

Wall to wall floor coverings installed, however, I still have some finish work to do on the interior drywall and windows, I plan to add a few furnishings, maybe one of my fellow Advantage agents will surprise me with an oak dining room table?

inside gingerbread house

We have an armed guard at the door, in case any interloping mice get any ideas.

Stay tuned for more photos of "The Build"! 



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Your Coastal Realtor in Oregon

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Myrl Jeffcoat
Sacramento, CA
Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired

With that title line, I just had to read on, Barbara.  And, you're right, in the instance of ginger bread homes, it makes a fine roofing material

Oct 30, 2018 01:40 AM
Joe Pryor
The Virtual Real Estate Team - Oklahoma City, OK
REALTOR® - Oklahoma Investment Properties

It looks like the perfect roof and I am sure it has been tested for carbo loading.

Oct 30, 2018 09:39 AM
Barbara Le Pine
ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE, serving Lincoln County - Newport, OR
Your agent for the Central Oregon Coast!

Myrl, I am glad the title caught your eye. Tomorrow is the judging day against other offices, at our general meeting. The lasagna roof will be revealed before a large crowd, so excited. :)


Nov 14, 2018 09:58 PM
Barbara Le Pine
ADVANTAGE REAL ESTATE, serving Lincoln County - Newport, OR
Your agent for the Central Oregon Coast!

Joe, roof has been tested and confirmed ready to withstand heavy tomato sauce!


Nov 14, 2018 10:00 PM