

Real Estate Agent with Lisa Von Domek Team TX License #0552989

Vote 2012


 Another important election day is here!


Remember, if you don't vote you don't get to criticize the choices made by others! 


For more information for Texas, follow the links in the report below:









Many Texans voted early and we set records for the large turnout in early voting. Texas enables residents to vote in the days and weeks before an election to make the voting process more convenient and accessible.  But today is election day and the polls are open and waiting for you to cast your ballots here in Texas.




Click here to go to the website for more information.


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Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Good morning Sheila Anderson we are so blessed to live in a country where we can be in control of our destiny (even if it doesn't feel that way at times!)

Happy Election Day!


Nov 06, 2018 06:25 AM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Good morning Joyce Marsh, Daytona Beach Florida it is such an honor to be able to cast our votes...always amazed at those that don't take the time to pay attention to the issues and candidates and cast a well-informed vote.

Happy Election Day!

Nov 06, 2018 06:26 AM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

That's wonderful Lise Howe and a fun way to vote!

Happy Election Day!

Nov 06, 2018 06:27 AM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

That's great Sheri Sperry - MCNE® of course, I still don't understand why Election Day is not a National Holiday so that everyone has the ability to get their vote cast.  But, with early voting and mail-in ballots, no one has an excuse to not vote.

Happy Election Day!

Nov 06, 2018 06:28 AM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

And hopefully Barbara Todaro all of those voting have taken the time to research and learn the issues and candidates to be well-informed voters!

Happy Election Day!

Nov 06, 2018 06:29 AM
Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

Hello Lisa,  I did early voting that I would not have to be in lines today.  Hope everyone votes.


Nov 06, 2018 07:17 AM
Kevin J. May
Florida Supreme Realty - Hobe Sound, FL
Serving the Treasure & Paradise Coasts of Florida

I don't want to hear anyone crying in their pretzels because they didn't VOTE. The opportunities were plentiful and TODAY is YOUR LAST CHANCE in 2018. Get OUT and VOTE! Thank You Lisa

Nov 06, 2018 07:25 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Good morning,  Lisa - an old saying but truer now than ever.

Nov 06, 2018 08:04 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

Amen to that, Lisa! If I know someone doesn't vote and they start complaining, I am quick to shut them up.

Nov 06, 2018 10:45 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

Well, if we aren't true siblings, Lisa! I posted this reminder this morning - saying to remember, if you don't vote, you can't complain! That's the rule and I stand by it! LOL

Just got in from voting! I was afraid my vote would get lost with the early votes so, I waited! 

Happy Tuesday!

Nov 06, 2018 10:49 AM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Watching the news Will Hamm the lines are very long and hopefully filled with well-informed voters!

Nov 06, 2018 12:32 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

So true Kevin J. May the opportunities to cast one's ballot are plentiful so I don't want to hear anyone whining that they didn't get to vote!


Nov 06, 2018 12:33 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

I suspect that this election will have a lot of griping, regardless of the outcome Michael Jacobs .  But I won't listen to anyone that tells me they didn't vote!

Nov 06, 2018 12:34 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Absolutely Nina Hollander no time to waste with someone whining over results that they did not cast a vote on.


Nov 06, 2018 12:35 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Sisters!!!  yes, we certainly are Debe Maxwell, CRS!!!  I wish I could have "voted early, voted often" LOL, but other than in Chicago I guess that is frowned upon...

Nov 06, 2018 12:37 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Debe Maxwell, CRS I can't find your it here on AR or another social media site?

Nov 06, 2018 12:41 PM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Lisa I told that to someone today who was telling me they don't vote.  I told them I better not hear them complain, because if they do not vote they have lost the right to complain in my book.

Nov 06, 2018 03:45 PM
Rebecca Gaujot, Realtor®
Lewisburg, WV
Lewisburg WV, the go to agent for all real estate

So true, Lisa... but people will always complain!

Nov 06, 2018 06:46 PM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

OH no - it's on FB! Just funny that we both said the same exact thing! LOL

Nov 06, 2018 07:28 PM
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties
Platinum Properties- (931)771-9070 - Clarksville, TN
The Dedicated Clarksville TN Realtor-(931)320-6730

The word got out and people voted. Now let's go to work and get things done.

Nov 06, 2018 08:14 PM