Fellow Rainers - our 3rd Annual Meet Up at the NAR and CRS Conferences in Boston, MS Friday night - it was awesome! We all met at the American Sidebar Bar at the Sheraton Boston on Friday, November 5th from 6:00pm to 8:00pm...but we visited well past the 8:00pm time and went to dinner after!
I delayed this "wrap-up" post as many of the Rainers that attended the event wrote posts to share and some were still traveling home as of yesterday. I have included links to those posts so that you may see additional photos and fun comments on them.
As you can see, even with the busy NAR and CRS meeting schedules, we had a fabulous turnout!
From left to right your fellow Rainers: Front Row: George Souto, Debe Maxwell, Debbie Reynolds. Back Row: Peter den Boer, Grant Schneider, Lisa Von Domek, Conrad Allen, Endre Barath, Lisa Friedman, Sheila Anderson
Missing from the group photo are Jeff Dowler, Doug Dawes, Dusty Rhoton and Nina Hollander. We had wonderful Rainers coming and going throughout the event so one large group photo was impossible!
Additional photos (and more will be posted by others in their meet up write ups)
Great fun!
and note Doug Dawes in the Boston cap who was not in the group photo above!
Jeff Dowler arrives...
Swapping stories...
and did I mention the fabulous "Goodie Bags" that my buddy
Debe Maxwell, CRS
brought for everyone?!!
Nina Hollander makes it to the party and is all smiles along with George Souto and Lisa Friedman
there were hugs all around...and I get to visit with my dear friend Sheila Anderson
Please visit the other posts for more photos and commentary on our big Meet Up!
From Sheila Anderson Thankful Post Boston Meet Up
From Jeff Dowler, CRS 3rd Annual NAR AR Meetup Boston 2018
From Debe Maxwell: AR Meetup Boston 2018
From Debbie Reynolds AR Meetup Oh What Fun!
From Grant Schneider Gratitude Post Annual AR Meetup in Boston
From Endre Barath, Jr. The Boston Active Rain Meet Up After Action Report