Discover Le Bourgeois Estates, a residential neighborhood located on the outskirts of Brandon off MS Highway 471 yet convenient to schools, shopping, and dining.
Le Bourgeois Estates began development in the mid 1970s. Most of the lots are wooded and rustic, and styles vary, although many are of brick construction and are rather large. The architecture styles vary from Colonial to Traditional and Ranch style. There is a mix of single story and two-story homes; some have lots of windows to let the natural lighting come inside. Some homes have been beautifully updated, but occasionally you'll come across one with original flooring and features. In cases like this, you can renovate the home to your personal specifications.
Search Homes for Sale in Le Bourgeois 39047
Home sizes vary drastically, too. The smallest I've found is around 1800 square feet, but most homes are between 2300-3000 square foot. If you want a country feel but desire a little space from neighbors, put Le Bourgeois Estates on your shopping list. Pricing could range from the low $200,000s to around $350,000 (at the time of this article). Homes within the neighbhorhood are eligible for USDA Rural Housing Development loans; if the applicant qualifies based on certain income requirements, it's possible to obtain a loan with zero down payment.
Wouldn't you know Le Bourgeois is located in two schools zones? Half the neighborhood will attend the Northwest Rankin School District, which includes Oakdale Elementary, Northwest Rankin Middle, and NW Rankin High School. The other half of the neighborhood falls into the Brandon School Zone.
For more school information or to view the district maps, please visit the school's website. or visit for school scores. Private schools nearby include Hartfield Academy.
Search the MLS for Homes for Sale in Le Bourgeois
If you are interested in Le Bourgeois Estates or any other home or price range in 39047, please call or text 601-278-4513.
It's to your advantage to have an Accredited Buyer Representative looking out for your interests when shopping for a home. Qualified buyers agents are skilled in negotiations and represent the buyer in securing the best possible outcome with a home purchase. Let me know if you have any questions regarding the home buying process.
Hire a Realtor who knows the neighborhood when you are looking to sell your home. If you would like to know what your home is worth, contact me at 601-278-4513 for a no-obligation consultation.