
How a Real Estate CRM Benefits Your Clients

Real Estate Technology with IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM

You’ve heard it from your trainer, your coach, and even your broker, all the ways a great real estate CRM can help you and your business, but what about your clients? We all know that a happy client is one who comes back to you for business, and is much more likely to refer others to you. So what if your CRM could help keep them happy? Good news – it can! We share how below.

1. Communications

How quickly you respond to an inquiry from a contact – anywhere in your pipeline – is a key factor in how happy they will be with your service. Buying or selling a home is a huge moment in anyone’s life, and no one wants to be kept waiting a long time for details about this transaction. With a great real estate CRM such as IXACT Contact, you cut down your response time on new leads with instant lead notifications via text and/or email.

But what about current clients? They want to hear from you too! IXACT Contact helps you keep on top of all the To Do’s related to your listings and active buyers with Listing and Closing Activity Plans that include automated task reminders. And best of all, you can create and send a Service Report that highlights all the hard work you’ve done on their behalf with just a couple of clicks.

You can also set Keep in Touch Call Reminders so that you never lose touch with past clients. With so much automation, you are also able to pay closer attention to those unexpected phone calls or emails. Your contacts will all be delighted with how rapidly you respond to their inquiries.

2. Business Referrals

Homeowners constantly need a variety of professionals to help them out, and finding one they trust can be a difficult process. With a real estate CRM like IXACT Contact, you can help simplify that process. Using your Business Directory, keep track of all the fantastic professionals you know such as plumbers, contractors, painters, caterers, interior decorators, and anyone else you can think of. Then, any time a client mentions that they are looking for someone to help with xyz, you can readily help them out. You’ll save them tons of time and hassle, and they’ll keep coming back to you for recommendations. They’ll see you as a trusted resource and remember that the next time they are ready to buy or sell a home.

3. Tips & Advice

Anyone who owns a home is interested in ways they can improve it, what it might be worth, things to consider if selling, and basically anything to do with it. When you use a real estate CRM like IXACT Contact, you provide those tips and pieces of advice on a regular basis. How? With IXACT Contact’s monthly e-Newsletter. Each month, you get three fresh articles written for you that cover a whole range of topics that would be interesting to anyone looking to buy or sell a home. You can also utilize Social Stream, our automated social media platform. Here, you can select the topics and top-tier publications that you think best suit your audience, and schedule those posts to go out up to 3 times a day 7 days a week. So your contacts will be getting great tips and advice from your social media accounts too! They’ll appreciate all the useful information you provide them on a regular basis, even when they aren’t actively your client.


A great real estate CRM doesn’t just benefit you, it benefits your clients. They will appreciate how well you communicate, the outstanding business referrals you provide, and the great home and real estate related information you share with them on an ongoing basis. IXACT Contact helps you to provide all of those benefits with ease. Start your FREE 5 week trial of IXACT Contact now.

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