Around Thanksgiving, many people begin to think about all that they are grateful for. As a real estate agent, your clients are high on that list. They help you to make a living doing something you are passionate about! So how do you express your gratitude for them on a regular basis, not just during the holidays? We’ve got three tips.
1. Call Them Regularly
Your past and current clients are the lifeblood of your business – they will be the driving force behind your repeat and referral business. So, express your gratitude for them by picking up the phone and seeing how they are doing once in a while. It will not only remind them you are around, but show that you care by remembering key details about their lives.
Worried about remembering all those details and when to call a client? Use a real estate CRM like IXACT Contact to help you do both. With IXACT Contact’s rich Contact Profile, you’ll have lots of information at your fingertips, and you can even enter in notes after each call so you remember what you talked about last. You can also set up Keep in Touch Call Reminders with IXACT Contact. Choose the frequency you would like to call an individual or group of clients, and you’ll automatically be reminded when it is time for you to reach out.
2. Remember Birthdays and Move-In Anniversaries
Remembering key dates in a client’s life really shows you care and are grateful for their business. It demonstrates that they aren’t just another number to you, but truly people that you have built a relationship with. The two key dates as a real estate agent are birthdays and move-in anniversaries. Everyone enjoys being acknowledged on their birthday! Move-in anniversaries could even be forgotten by the client themselves, so you remembering really shows how willing you are to go the extra mile.
Remembering every client’s birthday and move-in anniversary would be a near-impossible task. Thankfully, IXACT Contact can make it a whole lot easier. Not only can you set reminders for these days, but you can set up e-Cards to go out automatically on your behalf. You’ll be expressing your gratitude on a regular basis without missing a beat.
3. Help Them in Other Areas
A surefire way to show your gratitude toward a client is to help them in an area that you aren’t getting paid for. This means referring them to a great plumber, electrician, interior decorator, or even caterer when the need arises. Doing so shows that you care about them getting the best no matter what the need is, and that you are happy to help them out because they are valuable and important to you.
Make this an incredibly easy thing to do by utilizing IXACT Contact’s Business Directory. Enter in anyone you know who runs a business or provides a service your clients could possibly need. You’ll be able to quickly call up their information when your client mentions needing a great house painter on one of those regular phone calls you’ll be making!
Show your gratitude for your clients year-round with these small acts. They’ll appreciate the gestures and in turn be more likely to come back or refer someone else to you in the future. IXACT Contact makes expressing your gratitude simple too, so you’ll never have a reason to let it slide. Start your FREE 5 week trial of IXACT Contact now.