The Blessings Are Counted
Last month's Thanksgiving Challenge is complete. The posts have been submitted and the totals are in and sent to staff for posting to the participant's accounts. 209,000 Bonus Points will be awarded. The gratitude topics ranged from big items like health, jobs, family, friends and homes to smaller things like herbs, toe-warmers, puzzles, eyeglasses and hugs.
68 members participated and about 39 did 10 posts allowed in the contest. There were a total of 418 entries. Of course there were others that wrote additional posts that didn't count for contest points because their hearts were overflowing. Some people wrote posts about thankfulness but did not enter them into the contest. That is always okay since contests are for fun and not mandatory. Each and every post was a blessing to write and a blessing for the readers to read.
I had the best job as I got to read them all. I even read about a third of them a second time when I was tallying points. Though it took lots of time to read and tabulate (I figure it took about 10 hours), to comment and bestow Like points on the entries, I did a lot of reflection, too. The messages struck home with me.
If I missed leaving you a comment or you don't get all the points you are entitled, please let me know. It is not intentional to leave anyone out. The points should be posted in the next few days. Remember these are busy times for staff, so it might take a little longer.