Glenview, IL real estate as of December 2018:
- Active Listings: 313
- Lowest Price: $119,900
- Highest Price: $2,800,000
- Under Contract: 92
- Average list price: $735,970
- Highes Sold in the past 12 months: $4,873,420
More about Glenview Real Esatate on Homes by Haris
- Glenview Neighborhoods & Subdivisions. Top neighborhoods, homes near Metra Station, market trend & homes for sale by school district..
- All about Condos & Townhouses; recent sales, market trends and subdivisions.
- Luxury Real Estate Market Trends from 2007 - 2017
- Downtown Glenview: Favorite local businesses, homes by subdivisions & market trends.
- Aerial video of all the neighborhoods in The Glen subdivisions.
- Blog post about Glenview new homes, single family homes, townhouses and condominiums for sale, recent sales and market trends can be found here
- Glenview Real Estate
Luxury Real Estate
- Luxury homes for sale in Glenview
- Chicago North Shore Luxury Real Estate
Real estate market reports and other info about Glenview, IL can be found on here.
If you are looking to buy or sell a home, or purchase new construction in Glenview, IL or Chicago North Shore and Northwest Suburbs, contact me today 847-878-2588 !
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