
Ever Wonder What Zoning Codes Mean???

Real Estate Agent with Modern Real Estate

Ever drive by a sign for a parcel of property for sale and wonder what the zoning code means?  Well, here is a list of of some of those zoning codes:

A-1 - Agricultural District

C-1 - Conversation District

R-E - Residential Estate District

R-L -  Residential Low Density District

R-SL - Residential Small Lot Low Density District

R-I - One and Two Family Residence District

R-MD - Residential Medium Density District

R-M - Residential Multi-Family District

PUD-R - Planned Unit Development Residential District

PUD-BPR - Planned Unit Development Business Professional Residential District

PUD-BP - Planned Unit Development Business Professional District

P-1 - Professional Offices

B-1 - Neighborhood Business District

B-2 - General Business District

B-3 - Central Business District

B-4 - Intensive Business District

B-5 - Business District

I-1 - Light Industrial

I-2 - Heavy Industrial District

PUD-I - Planned Unit Development Industrial District

PUD-NC - Planned Unit Development New Communities District

PUD-CC - Planned Unit Development Clear Creek District

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Ron Sellers
In Miss. the property is zoned A-R What does that mean?
Apr 17, 2008 07:02 AM
Bonnie Bunch


In Florida, the property is zoned RC. What does that stand for?

May 14, 2009 10:54 AM
richard brennand

how do you tell a resident code from a land for moduler home?

Oct 06, 2009 03:29 AM
David Jirasek
Jirasek Realty, LLC - Temple, TX

Zoning codes vary from city to city. In addition to zoning, you may watch for overlay coridors, or other limitations of use, such as prohibiting open storage on industrial zoned lots unless fully fenced with wood, not allowing metal fencing, etc. The list is endless, depending on the creativity and willingness of city staff, and planning and zoning board, to restrict property owners within the governing authority's jurisdiction.

Oct 27, 2009 10:14 PM

Hi, What does INRM* zoning mean?

Dec 30, 2009 03:50 PM

Whar does it mean zoning M25 in California?

Feb 17, 2010 08:50 AM

I suspect that the C stands for ConSERVation, not ConVERSation. And, respecting Mr. Jirasek, there is a uniformity to the codes.  R will always be Residential, for example.  Just combine the two codes: A-R would be agricultural/residential, meaning it is probably farmland, and RC would be Residential Conservation, meaning your home would be restricted to be within whatever conservation codes your city/county/whatever applies to that land.  And in response to Mr. Brennand's question, as I understand it, there is no difference between residential and MODULAR housing zones. This is because a modular home goes on a foundation. MOBILE homes are another critter altogether, and there ARE differences there. DISCLAIMER: this is all gathered from hours of research, web surfing, reading codes online, general knowledge of codes for cities in two different states, prior work for engineering firms, and common sense. I have no real estate training or zoning code training whatsoever.

Feb 23, 2010 07:40 AM
Phil S.

I  further suspect that the C stands for Commercial and neither Conservation or Conversation. 

Mar 06, 2010 03:23 AM

Could anyone tell me what RMM-25 means in city zoning codes?  Thanks Mary/Fort Lauderdale

Jun 29, 2011 05:27 PM

What does zoned FA5 mean in Oregon?

Oct 07, 2015 12:00 PM

In an area zoned AR, does each property choose agricultural or residential zoning so either a specific property is either or? Or is every single property in an AR zone both agricultural and residential ?

Feb 04, 2017 11:49 AM
Inna Ivchenko
Barcode Properties - Encino, CA
Realtor® • GRI • HAFA • PSC • Short Sale • Probate

I believe that the separation of residential, commercial, and industrial space into separate pockets of land is going to be somehow modified. Many people want to live, work, and play in the same location. We see more and more communities in L.A. where people can work and live. 

Nov 01, 2017 09:19 PM