
What's New in Community Development for Arvada?

Real Estate Agent with Modern Real Estate

I attended a meeting a couple weeks ago spotlighting Arvada.  Following is a list of non-residential property development going on in the Arvada area.

Arvada Marketplace at 52nd & Wadsworth - gas station (under review)

Arvada Retail Shoppes at 55th & Wadsworth -  Commercial (under review)

Arvada Ridge at 51st & Kipling - Big 5, Jack-in-the Box and Panda Express (under review)

Arvada Water Tower at 55th & Wadsworth - Retail (approved)

Cottonwood Park Professional Offices at 69th & Indiana - Commercial (under review)

Echter's Greenhouse at 51st & Garrison - Greenhouse/Nursery (under review)

Executive Plaza at Tower Place at 53rd & Xenon - Industrial (approved)

Faith Bible West Parking Lot Expansion at 6250 Wright Street (approved)

Grandview Plaza at Grandview & Olde Wadsworth - Commercial (under construction)

Indiana Marketplace at 64th & Indiana - Commercial (approved)

Luna Subdivision at 64th & Sheridan - Car Wash (under review)

Milender White Construction at 52nd & Ward - Office (under review)

Napa Auto Parts at 64th & Sheridan - Car parts retail (under review)

Northridge Shopping Center at 80th & Wadsworth - Commercial (under review)

Portofino Restaurant at 69th & Sheridan - Restaurant (under construction)

Rainbow Ridge Office Park at 56th & Ward - Office (under review)

Ralston Business Park at 56th & Ralston - Office/Industrial (under construction)

Ralston Creek Village at Ralston & Miller - Office/Commercial (under construction)

Reno Place at Grandview & Olde Wadsworth - Commercial (under construction)

Savannah Suites Hotel at 65th & Sheridan - Hotel (under construction)

Shoppes of Arvada at 53rd & Wadsworth - Commercial (under review)

Suman Bldg. at Tower Place at 53rd & Xenon - Industrial (approved)

Turning Heads Studio at 57th & Upham - Commercial (under construction)

Westwoods Shopping Ctr at 64th & McIntyre - Commercial (approved)


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Marchel Peterson
Results Realty - Spring, TX
Spring TX Real Estate E-Pro
Wow Arvada is growing.  I didn't think there was that much land left around there.  My sister is still battling the weather trying to get their house built.  I think she is aiming for sometime in April to get their house on the market.  They were hoping to have their outbuildings in but with this winter that hasn't happened.
Mar 05, 2007 11:52 AM
How long has it been since you have been here?  How about if I send you sister my listing packet?  Think that might help to change her mind against doing it FISBO???
Mar 06, 2007 01:45 AM