
Market report for Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 - 12/12/2018

Real Estate Agent with DJ Hite Real Estate 051574

Wed Dec 12 2018 
This week the median list price for Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 is $450,000 with the market action index hovering around 69. This is less than last month's market action index of 72. Inventory has held steady at or around 19.

Highlands Ranch 80129 homes for sale


Market Action Index

The Market Action Index answers the question "How's the Market?" by measuring the current rate of sale versus the amount of the inventory. Index above 30 implies Seller's Market conditions. Below 30, conditions favor the buyer.


Strong Seller's Market

The market has been cooling over time and prices have recently flattened. Despite the consistent decrease in Market Action Index (MAI), we’re in a Seller’s Market (where significant demand leaves little inventory available). If the MAI begins to climb, prices will likely follow suit. If the MAI drops consistently or falls into the Buyer’s zone, watch for downward pressure on prices.

Highlands Ranch 80129 market report

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Joyce M. Marsh
Luxury Home Couture - Daytona Beach, FL
Joyce Marsh Homes & Design

Very good update and snapshot of the market for buyers and sellers to consider before making any real estate decisions. 

Dec 12, 2018 04:49 PM