
3 Tips for Getting Started as a New Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Technology with IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM

As a brand-new real estate agent, knowing where to start in building your business can be an intimidating process. It doesn’t have to be though. With the help of our three tips and a great real estate CRM, you can be on your way to success faster than you ever imagined.

1. Add Everyone You Know

One of the most common things we hear new agents say is, “I don’t have any contacts.” The truth is you have many – they just may not be real estate contacts yet. To begin with, add all of your friends and family members to your CRM. These are going to be the first people who will use or refer you – so make sure you can easily keep track of them. From there, add in past coworkers, your hairdresser, your massage therapist, your mechanic – absolutely anyone you have interacted with. They are all part of your sphere of influence.

On top of that, you probably know many different businesses. If you own your own home, you have probably had to use a myriad of services – all of whom would be helpful to share with future clients. When you use IXACT Contact, you can add all of these people to your Business Directory, which makes it easy for you to rapidly find their information when a lead or client needs it. Not only will this build trust with your contacts, but those you are recommending will be far more likely to recommend you back when someone they know is looking for a real estate agent!

2. Start Marketing

Don’t wait until you have a big database filled with hot prospects to start marketing – do it now! The more people see and hear from you, the more likely they are to remember you when they or someone they know are looking for a real estate agent. Since you can’t rely on repeat business yet, you need to utilize marketing. A great starting point is a monthly e-Newsletter. Not only will this remind your sphere of influence that you are in the real estate business, it will also demonstrate your expertise. And when you are just starting out that is vitally important!

Not confident in your ability to create your own e-Newsletter yet? IXACT Contact can help! We provide you with 3 fresh articles each month, in our beautifully designed template that you can customize if you like. It will deliver automatically to your selected contacts on the date and time you have selected. You’ll look like a seasoned pro with almost no extra effort, leaving you more time to build new relationships.

3. Build Your Online Presence

When you are first starting out as a real estate agent, you’ll be relying more on new business than repeat and referrals. How do you get that new business? One of the most important ways is through your online presence. You need a great website that potential clients find easy to navigate, and a social media presence that shows you are knowledgeable and engaged. IXACT Contact helps you do both with ease.

IXACT Contact includes an agent website in its monthly price – and that website comes with 16 pre-written pages for you to use as a starting point in your customization. The websites are easy to build and in turn easy for users to navigate. We also offer Social Stream, a monthly add-on that allows you to automatically publish content from top tier publications such as Better Homes & Gardens, Forbes, and the New York Times up to 3 times a day 7 days a week. Even better, these articles include a lead capture form to increase your odds of gaining tangible business from your social media efforts. You set it up in less than 10 minutes and continuously reap the rewards. It’s the perfect solution for the new real estate agent who needs to build presence, but also has a lot of other work to do!

Starting out as a new real estate agent should be an exciting time – not a terrifying one. With a little planning and, of course, a great real estate CRM it can be. IXACT Contact will be that CRM for you. Rookies even get 6 months free! Just sign up here.

Not a rookie but still want to make use of all IXACT Contact has to offer? Start your FREE 5 week trial of IXACT Contact now.

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IXACT Contact - Real Estate CRM and Marketing Made Easy

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Lorrie Semler, REALTOR® in the Dallas area. Call/text 972-416-3417
HomeSmart Stars - Addison, TX
Real Service. Real Results. Real Estate

You left one out. #4 should be BLOG! It's how I grew my business.

Dec 17, 2018 06:38 AM
Rich Gaasenbeek

Blogging is a very solid #4! Definitely agree Lorrie.

Dec 18, 2018 06:20 AM