Jason, nice blog! Remember, unless you are making your living as a blogger (which a lot of people do), blogging is for Google and SEO rankings. Google is always changing the rules. At the moment, Google doesn't like too many keywords, maybe 1 to 2 long tail keywords.
Jason Will
Fairhope, AL
Andy: Would you be willing to do a video presenation on blogging for IMPACT Agent University?
Jason, good reminder for the year end and beginning of fresh new year
Jason Will
Fairhope, AL
Jason, these are some great reminders and tips. All the best, Greg
Jason Will
Fairhope, AL
This is a great list and will certainly help get 2019 off to a great start. Happy New Year.
Jason Will
Fairhope, AL
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email to jason@impactagentuniversity.com.
Let's get hopping on the new year! Getting a new deal in January works for me.
Jason Will
Fairhope, AL
Full attack!:)
Nice tips -- #3 jumped out at me and is one I need to implement.
Jason Will
Fairhope, AL
Happy to help as needed!
I love your idea of an end of year video. I'm already writing my script to remember what to say. Great list of to do's!
Jason Will
Fairhope, AL
Let me know if you have any questions or need help!
Good tips! I think it is especially important to stay in touch with everyone - past clients, sphere of influence, and future clients!
Jason Will
Fairhope, AL
Happy to help as needed!:)
Great ideas Jason!! I will have to apply as many as I can by today!! Thanks
Jason Will
Fairhope, AL
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!