Cell phone conversations
Having just read Jenny's blog about cell phones in Publix, I wanted to tell about 2 times the cell phone has impacted me. I had listed a beautiful new home in a 55+ community. It had never been lived in and the owners were willing to wait for the highest offer (the old days). I was shopping at a local clothing outlet and overheard a woman talking to someone who was apparently a sibling. She was telling that sibling about my listing and how she hoped her parents would decide to buy it as they really loved it. They never did make an offer and were represented by another agent, so I wasn't faced with "privacy" issues, thank heaven. The other time I overheard another realtor discussing a transaction with someone and was talking about the agent that had the other side who happens to be a friend of mine. It wasn't necessarily a complimentary conversation. I guess the point of all this is that while Jennys conversation turned into a positive situation, the others could have been dangerous. So we all need to remember that others are listening as we speak on our cell phones and make sure it is always positive as Jenny's was.