
The 8 Best Real Estate Signs of 2018

Services for Real Estate Pros with Jack Pratt Signs

Compass Yard Sign


The augmentation of technology into the yard sign has arrived. While others have chosen to innovate by going vertical, Compass has gone round. Of all the signs on this list, this is the only one truly willing to risk change on a large scale -- and it works. This round aesthetic features a digitally printed sign panel that is mounted within a built-in lighting system which is very eye-catching (to say the least) while still preserving the ability to read from a distance and at night, accomplishing something the typical sign has never been able to achieve. It also features a built-in QR Code to prompt consumers to download the Compass App.

Unveiled at Inman, the big reveal of the reimagined yard sign has stirred up the real estate community. The sleek design, plus the buzz surrounding it, make it our clear #1 Real Estate Sign of 2018.


KW Luxury International


The most unique features about the yard sign for KW Luxury International sign is Golden, eye-catching lettering made possible by its digital/screen hybrid printing process. Equally, and perhaps arguably more notable, is the clear coat application. This process seals and encapsulates the printed ink with a high impact resistant, ultra-gloss protection, resulting in a sign that looks better, longer. The aesthetic design remains steadfast in their agent-centric model, by allowing Luxury Associates to brand themselves within their templates

Photographs are no longer on the sign and the approach is now more about the consumer, giving them pride in the fact that their home is a “Luxury” property, represented by a Luxury Associate. It's an impressive use of negative space while combining potentially three separate logos and Associate contact information that doesn't look too crowded, busy, or hard to read. There is no additional fluff on this sign and that leads to the potential buyer having no confusion about what information is most important.


Amy Youngren - North Group


The North Group's minimal and strong branding really shines in their sign. Great use of white and negative space, not only that, but a preponderance of it. While many are losing the large headshot for more modern and simple information only, Amy Youngren has found a way to marry the two in a really nice balance. As the face of this luxury brand she still gets the facial recognition without overpowering the information that matters the most. The overall sign design represents how and why the graphics don't need to be bigger. Smaller graphics, with the use of balanced negative space, draws your eyes to where you want them to go. Without thinking about it. That's what "simple" means. Furthermore, simple is safe. Simple design relies on the integrity of the brand. Not vice versa. Your brand (what other people say of you) is represented through your logo. In other words, when people see your logo, they think of your brand. The goal is to have reciprocity, to invoke pleasant and calming emotions, which in turn, are attributed to your business. This sign has embraced simple, minimalist design.


Lisa Archer - Live Love Homes


Live Love Homes stands out from the crowd in a big way by cutting through the noise of traditional yard signs, accomplishing multiple goals at once. Consistency in yard signs for all expansion locations? Check. KWRI compliant? Check. Local REC compliant? Check. Lead Capture? Check! Aesthetically disruptive design? Check! Check! Check! With a simple text to an easy number, you get just as much from an agent as you would with conflated URLs, phone numbers, and emails. This is strong thinking outside the box and I would be surprised if it didn't have a positive impact on their business and connectivity. Kudos to the Ben Kinney Team on developing the now synonymous hand-holding-phone image to “text-to-lead”.


Century 21's rebrand was one of the very best from this year. Deciding to start from scratch instead of just refreshing their brand was a bold move and it paid off for them in a big way. The use of minimal, flat design in their yard sign, as well as incorporating the new C21 logo mark into patterns, borders and abstract marks, is reminiscent of luxury brands like Gucci or Tiffany. Keeping consistent with a "gold" color palette, the most refreshing feature is the two variants to better suit their teams. One featuring a darker palette as well as the beautiful new mark they designed this year, and the other a clean and modern lighter palette that accentuates the Century 21 gold.




Similar to Amy Youngren and North Group, eXp has found a way to keep the large headshot for agent recognition while not completely overpowering or ignoring the key reason these signs exist: information. Associates coming to eXp from other brokerages are bringing their brand with them and are polishing up their image on their way. Compared to other national real estate brokerages, eXp’s agent-centric model has loosened the chains on standards and identity requirements for yard signs significantly. eXp allows more latitude for agents to customize their yard signs, without the constraints of color use, how much, how little, size of brokerage logo (given local REC rules), etc… Rather, the popular sign design trends for eXp (in addition to flat, minimalist design), are tending toward larger-than-life photos, prominent abstract logo marks, and less contact information. These designs are a good representation of just that.



Another change to the norm this year was RE/MAX ditching the 3d elements and shadows for a flat, modern aesthetic, and while it's not a shock or big change, it is a welcome one. The most significant upgrade to their yard sign is two-fold: Flat design and vertical orientation. Understandably, vertical signs are, in general, easier to read. The clean design elements ensure the information is clear and hyper-focused. Notably, RE/MAX is the only other company on our list that incorporates it's 'For Sale' within the actual sign itself (Compass being the other). There's very little confusion about what each element is or how to get in contact with the agent.

Villa Real Estate 


There are definite challenges to striking it out on your own and creating a brokerage but it does have its advantages - especially when it means you have the freedom to display whatever you want, or think is the most important, on your yard sign. Villa Real Estate really goes above and beyond to deliver a minimal, pleasant to look at sign without the often cramped, additional compliance information. By having a short and sweet company name and a well designed logo, they can really display their brand to the world and ensure readability is never a problem.  Not to mention that by far, Villa Real Estate's yard sign is the most "requested-to-duplicate" design.  Imitation is the best form of flattery.

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Monte Pratt
Jack Pratt Signs - Oklahoma City, OK
Expert in sign manufacturing & graphic design.

You are correct.  I'll update them expeditiously.


Jan 03, 2019 11:25 AM
Bob Stewart
ActiveRain - Mesa, AZ

Great stuff! Really cool to see some of these designs. The real estate sign is one of those tried and true marketing techniques........

But I can't begin to tell you how many I see out in the wild that could be soooo much better. I'll bet a few people could take some queues from this post and make improvements to their own marketing this year!

Thanks for sharing Monte!

Jan 03, 2019 03:34 PM
Monte Pratt

Thank you Bob!  That was the intention of this article... to bring more awareness to your yard sign.  Although Real Estate Brokerages have different models, one thing is clear... all Real Estate Agents want to brand themselves, in one way or another.  "There's the right way, the wrong way... then the way we do things."  Robert DeNiro, Casino.

Jan 04, 2019 07:18 AM
Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Your flag, you trademark, your brand. Lowen Signs since 1976 have been our silent salesmen in dooryards... 24 guage steel tack ons for other applications. Thanks for the examples of what works in other markets. 

Jan 03, 2019 06:08 PM
Monte Pratt
Jack Pratt Signs - Oklahoma City, OK
Expert in sign manufacturing & graphic design.

Andrew!! Good to hear from you! Yes, other sign companies exist. Lots if them, in fact. Glad that your supplier is treating you well. Brand yourself!

Jan 03, 2019 06:30 PM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Monte - effective.  Very good post.  Bookmarked.

Jan 04, 2019 03:42 AM
Monte Pratt

Thank you Michael!  

Jan 04, 2019 07:03 AM
Ben DeHaven
Haven Realty & Investments - Lakeland, FL
Proudly serving Central Florida!

Great post. I've gone simple with my signs, and don't do headshots. I'm selling homes not faces!

Jan 04, 2019 06:35 AM
Monte Pratt

"Simple is safe."  Nicholas Cage, Matchstick Men.

Jan 04, 2019 07:05 AM
Mike Frazier
Carousel Realty of Dyer County - Dyersburg, TN
Northwest Tennessee Realtor

Thank you for this post about signs. They can draw the customer in or run them off.

Jan 04, 2019 11:41 AM
Monte Pratt

You're welcome Mike!  You are spot on sir...  I'm reminded of a lecture on Design 101 by Lester Ismore.  We just called him Les.

Jan 04, 2019 12:22 PM
Joe Pryor
The Virtual Real Estate Team - Oklahoma City, OK
REALTOR® - Oklahoma Investment Properties

Monte, good to see you around and hope all is well. The only reason I have not ordered more signs is that they still look greatt. Your quality is outstanding.

Jan 04, 2019 12:17 PM
Monte Pratt

This is why I do what I do.  I'd rather be Nordstroms than Wal-Mart.  Nothing against Wal-Mart obviously.... both have their place.  I'm just a stickler for quality.  Thank you Joe for your continued support!  It is people like you who are the reason for the success of my business.

Jan 04, 2019 12:27 PM
Marte Cliff
Marte Cliff Copywriting - Priest River, ID
Your real estate writer

Glad to see the trend moving away from cluttered, unreadable signs.

Jan 04, 2019 03:14 PM
Monte Pratt

Let's keep the trend going!

Jan 05, 2019 11:21 AM
Anne Corbin
Long and Foster - Lake Anna - Spotsylvania, VA
Serving Lake Anna & Central Virginia

I thought your first choice was hard to read, but it might just be me. A sign really needs to be seen, especially if you are driving down the road and only get a minute to absorb information. Wonderful post. Make sure to do it again in January of 2019 for the 2019 best of!

Jan 04, 2019 08:17 PM
Monte Pratt

Compass has really pushed the envelope here.  Though the lettering is quite small, the technological features the sign provides warrants the #1 spot : )

Jan 05, 2019 11:24 AM
Sondra Meyer:
EXP Realty, LLC - Corpus Christi, TX
See It. Experience It. Live It.

I enjoyed seeing the different sign ideas.  Thank you.   


I can see why #8 Villa Real Estates is the most requested to duplicate.  It is my personal favorite of the group.   



Jan 04, 2019 08:45 PM
Monte Pratt

It's like a breath of fresh air, isn't it?  Open space.   ahhhh. very nice.

Jan 05, 2019 11:25 AM
Richard Alan Naggar
people first...then business Ran Right Realty - Riverside, CA
agent & author

Very Pratt-ical

Jan 05, 2019 09:04 AM
Monte Pratt

I see what you did there... ha ha.  Very punny.


Jan 05, 2019 11:27 AM
Julie A. Black
KAUAI DREAMS REALTY Kauai Real Property Specialist - Kapaa, HI
CLHMS, CRS, GRI, Realtor, Broker

I like this post as it's a different subject. I like the ideas projected except the signs of the people. It's bold, and probably works for them, but it's just a little to self centric for me.  I would like to see this type of blog, for business cards designs. I'll look and see if you wrote any.

Jan 06, 2019 04:59 PM
Mary Hutchison, SRES, ABR
Weichert Realtors, Welch and Company - Kansas City, MO
Experienced Agent in Kansas City Metro area

Thanks for posting these!  The real test of the design I feel does the sign look from the street? Is it easy to read?  Does it stand out? Large enough print?


Jan 07, 2019 09:54 AM
Anne Edwards Johnson
All City Real Estate - Austin, TX
Austin Realtor | HookemhomesATX (512)917-5260

I love seeing all the different designs. 

Jan 07, 2019 10:54 AM
Georgie Hunter R(S) 58089
Hawai'i Life Real Estate Brokers - Haiku, HI
Maui Real Estate sales and lifestyle info

This was very interesting and thanks for including the pictures.

Jan 07, 2019 05:18 PM
Diana Dahlberg
1 Month Realty - Pleasant Prairie, WI
Real Estate in Kenosha, WI since 1994 262-308-3563

Interesting signs ... interesting designs

Jan 07, 2019 05:33 PM
Graziella Bruner
NCS Premier Real Estate - Detroit, MI
Associate Broker - Serving Wayne & Oakland County

Real interesting signs, I too believe that what catches your eye first, people want to know it's a for sale sign and not an "all about me sign".  The first thing most people say, is what's the phone number? because they want to call. Thanks for sharing.

Jan 09, 2019 02:49 PM


Jan 17, 2020 08:11 AM


Jan 17, 2020 08:11 AM