
Silent and Powerless Sunday

Managing Real Estate Broker with Keller Williams Bellevue 47538

Winds Blow!

Windstorms are not uncommon in the Northwest this time of year.  This is at least the third one this Fall/Winter season and more are projected. We are known as The Evergreen State due to our many tall trees, but trees and winds don't always get along.  

If you are new to the Northwest, having an alternative means of heat and cooking can be very useful in times like this.  If you can, a generator is a wonderful investment too.  Gas cook tops can light with a match, but don't rely on them too much or you may end up with Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. NEVER bring a barbecue or propane stove inside.  

This picture is of a fairly busy street in Sammamish with a Douglas Fir resting on power lines.  Puget Sound Energy is doing all they can to restore power to all that are affected, but they warn, it could be days before everyone is back on line.  

Listen to the warnings. Stay away from downed power lines, keep your generators and gas cooking devices outside, don't open your refrigerators or freezers if you don't have to.  

Stay safe neighbors!

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Dan Tabit       206-310-8629    425-868-SOLD(7653)

One stop Real Estate & Mortgage Services Serving Sammamish, Issaquah, Redmond, Bellevue, Mercer Island and the greater Seattle area.  


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William Feela
Realtor, Whispering Pines Realty 651-674-5999 No.

Now that can cause an issue for  a lot of people

Jan 06, 2019 08:41 PM
Dan Tabit
Keller Williams Bellevue - Sammamish, WA

I should add, that as of this morning Puget Sound Energy reported well over 200,000 were without power.  Seattle City Light and Snohomish County PUD have even more.  We were spared this time, but were hit last week. 

Jan 06, 2019 08:45 PM
Endre Barath, Jr.
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties - Beverly Hills, CA
Realtor - Los Angeles Home Sales 310.486.1002

Wow Dan 200,000 without power ouch, you need to count your blessings. Wishing you a Happy ,  Healthy and Prosperous 2019, Endre

Jan 06, 2019 08:50 PM
Sharon & Bruce Walter
Keller Williams Realty Lafayette, IN - Lafayette, IN
West Lafayette homes for sale

Dan, what a majestic tree and that could make a couple of new telephone poles to replace any destroyed in future windstorms.  Losing power does remind us how dependent we are on staying connected to "the grid".  

Jan 07, 2019 02:54 AM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

I hope you are enjoying a very productive year.

Have an outstanding summer!

Aug 01, 2020 07:57 AM