
Walking By Faith, Amen

Services for Real Estate Pros with Real Living Realty Services

This group is truly led by Christ.  I know that Nick and Hugh prayed about this group before founding it.  The Lord laid it on their hearts to start this group.

As Christian soldiers, we need to stand up for Christianity even if it means getting political.  Christians are being attacked every day by politics and "The Politically Correct."  If a Christian cannot stand up against evil whether it's a political attack or an attack against a Christian brother or sister by the secular fascists, what good is it?

Did Paul not fight the secular enforcers of his time?  Did Jesus not stand up against politics?  You bet they did.  They got persecuted too.  All of the Apostles were persecuted.  If a Christian doesn't have a back bone, what good is he or she?

We struggle against evil wherever it is and we will be persecuted for doing so.  Pick up your crosses oh Christians and carry on.  Don't cower or back down to the evil one.

May God Bless Nick and Hugh and this group and all of its members.  May the heavens open up and pour blessings down upon all who are doing the Lord's work.  In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.

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Hugh Krone
Weichert Referral Associates - Hamburg, NJ
Realtor, Sussex County NJ

Thank you Mike and may God Bless You also.

Jun 01, 2008 06:06 AM
Broker Nick
South Florida Real Estate & Development, Inc. - Coconut Creek, FL
Broker Nick Relocation Broker Service

Mike ~ Thank you for your words of encouragement and your faith filled prayers. We as Chrisitans must STAND...and we shall stand therefore and take on the full armour of God!

God Bless

Looking forward to many posts from you as well.

Jun 01, 2008 07:56 AM