Your Goals. Your Priorities.
My Role.
So it's January.
A new year. And the first month, almost half over.
Goals. Priorities. Maybe some resolutions too.
My role? Where do I fit in? If at all.
First, I don't break resolutions these days. I don't make them so setting up myself for failure in this task is avoided.
If you do participate, good luck.
Embrace it. Live it. Be it. Ask yourself the importance of the "resolution".
Anyway, resolutions are not my "thing". If you subscribe and are up to the task--well, again good for you. Now my role in your resolutions is nill. And as far as your goals or priorities it is to say the least limited. Don't get me wrong. I can and will be supportive. Advice maybe. Suggestions perhaps. But I think YOU are responsible for this. Not me. Enabling as positive as it may be depending on the goal or priority is not necessarily good for achieving a goal or priority.
I'm not your paid professional coach. Nor your private cheerleader. Or a guru you might encounter. I believe it is personal.
So it's all about You. Your goals. Your priorities. Not mine. Not my role.
It's January and you may feel bombarded. Bombarded with information and suggestions of all kinds. Goals and priorities seem to collide with resolutions but they are differrent.
You don't need to go it alone but YOU need to be a part of this discussion because YOU are the "topic".
Your Goal. Your Priority. My Role. And Yours Too. Most Importantly.
Photo by Michael Jacobs. Pondering possibilities in Old Pasadena, California. Pondering of Goals, Priorities and of my Role.
Your Goals. Your Priorities.
My Role.