
Promised Land entertains and enlightens "Fracking"

Education & Training with Realty Mark Associates AB066878

Fracking is a controversial subject that inspires deep feelings either for or against. Even the Pope gave his opinion when he came to Southeastern Pennsylvania a few years ago. The Vatican ran a full page ad in the Philadelphia Inquirer that simply read, "The Pope is against fracking."

Here in Pennsylvania billions of dollars of natural gas are being sucked out of the Marcellus Shale with only pennies going to the state's coffers. We can thank the present govenor and the last one who both haven't even proposed a bill to charge the big oil companies an extracting fee as they have in several other states. (hmmm...I wonder what big corporations are contributing funds to their campaigns?)  PA has one of the worst pot hole road conditions which could sorely use that money.

Pennsylvania real estate agents are expected to be knowledgeable about the system of hydraulic fracturing because they are doing it all over the state. The 2013 movie "Promised Land" with Matt Damon and Frances McDermond is an entertaining and enlightening way to be exposed to the shenanogins oil companies use to sign up landowners by promising wealth in exchange for drilling privileges. Interesting enough, the movie takes place in a small Pennsylvania town.


Penn State University Extension Co-op has a website with a schedule of gas leasing workshops for landowners and up-to-date articles. Click here to check it out:  Need to know guide about fracking

It effects all of us in one way or another; water contamination, air and noise pollution,  harmful to local vegetation, potential explosions (Dunkard Township, Green County, PA) and leaks from abandoned wells. 

No matter what your opinion is about the fracking that is taking place globally, it's best to be informed.





Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Good afternoon Suzanne. The state should be a participant in the spoils to aid its citizens. Enjoy your day 

Jan 30, 2019 12:11 PM
Suzanne Strickler
Realty Mark Associates - Havertown, PA
School is never out for the Successful.

Wayne Martin ~ I totally agree.

Jan 30, 2019 01:55 PM
Myrl Jeffcoat
Sacramento, CA
Greater Sacramento Realtor - Retired

I have seen that movie, "Promised Land."  I agree that it is a real eye-opener.  There are parts of the country where fracking is prevalent, that are now experiencing earth quakes, which were never experienced before.

Feb 01, 2019 04:47 PM
Suzanne Strickler
Realty Mark Associates - Havertown, PA
School is never out for the Successful.

Myrl Jeffcoat - earthquakes are happening more frequently all over the fracking globe 🌎

Feb 01, 2019 06:41 PM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Thanks for the link.

This is good information to share with area residents.

Feb 28, 2019 08:41 AM