
Well, I lost another one.......

Title Insurance

I got a call on Tuesday last week from a friend of mine that we closed a deal for a few months back.  One of his friends from work was buying a house and he mentioned my company.  Early Thursday morning, I get a call from the buyer.  We discuss some details and he said that he would like to use me for title.

Later that day, I called his realtor to introduce myself and ask for a commission statement.  She began to question when I would have the title ready.  I told her I would have everything ready by tomorrow morning.  She then told me she would send the commission statement over a little later in the afternoon.

About 4:00 on Friday, I get the following email:


My agent called me, and she said the title company has all the paper work done, and if i want to switch at this point, they would charge me for processing fee...  
I guess i would have to stick with them for this deal. Thank for your time on this. I appreciate it.


I realize that the bulk of the members on ActiveRain are realtors, and I am not slamming realtors in general however, there are several that are absolutely irritating me over things like this.  Have people forgotten that the buyer may choose WHOEVER they want for title?  Then you claim that you will charge a "processing fee" when I will guarantee that you did not ask the consumer if they had a title company that they wanted to use.  I am sick and tired of people trying to strong-arm and persuade the consumer toward their JV.

Thanks again for letting me vent!