Real estate market data for Meadow Vista, CA provided by Leilani Souza of Souza Realty.
Meadow Vista, CA - Extreme Homes 2018
Want to know what the smallest, largest, cheapest and most expensive homes in Meadow Vista, California that sold in 2018 were? Here they are, based on MetroList MLS data for single-family homes in Meadow Vista, CA:
- Smallest - 768 sq. ft. (315 Pinewood Way)
- Largest - 6,875 sq. ft. (16360 Winchester Club Drive)
- Cheapest - $240,000 (1035 Pinecrest Drive)
- Most Expensive - $2,100,000 (Tie: 16360 and 16370 Winchester Club Drive)
For more info and to see photos of each home, visit: